2025 Admissions


They updated portal with letter of acceptance and scholarship. Did your daughter’s get updated? I hope so.

Daughter applied November 12. Received acceptance this morning (12/24) with Loyola Scholarship - $22K/year.


  • 3.72 GPA
  • 30 ACT (superscored)
  • Academically challenging HS
  • I think essays and letters of rec we strong
  • Many ECs and part-time job
  • Psychology major

I’m assuming Ignatian invites won’t come out until at least next week, but has anyone gotten one yet?

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I am so sorry I was late to respond. I wasn’t online much during the holidays.
His portal changed and had his acceptance letter and merit money and then he also got acceptance in the mail

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No worries! My daughter is in with merit. Wondering when information will be out about honors program.

S21 definitely getting a bit nervous. Applied 11/22 and was hoping to hear before the holidays. They said 4-6 weeks and it’s been that so hopefully soon.

More letter questions. My son has the Congrats future Rambler message but nothing that I would call a letter on his portal. So does it say click her for acceptance letter? What am I looking for?

My son applied on the 12th, his school info arrived the 16th and he just got the congrats banner on his portal today 1/7. So hopefully you will hear soon.

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This same thing happened to me!! I continued to reload the screen and it ultimately showed up! I was so confused at first but the admissions letter should show up.

I submitted my Common App on 11/21, and according to Loyola’s App Portal, they received everything on 11/22 and there are no missing items on my application checklist. I’ve been checking my email and my application portal almost daily since then and haven’t seen anything. I’ve also received admission decisions from all colleges I applied to except Loyola. Should I be worried?

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I would not worry. They had everything from my son and his school the 16th of Nov and we just got the congrats screen on Thursday Jan 7th and the the letter with merit did not show up on his portal until later Friday. I think they got a lot applications mid Nov through Dec 1st so it is just taking longer than it did earlier.

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Portal shows update this morning that D21 is a future rambler. (Applied 12/1) The portal updated tonight with the Trustee Scholarship $20k/year. We only have one in-state school with minimal tuition ($15K); but I can slightly appreciate the schools that have in/out of state the same cost. Some of these schools with OOS costs are a huge racket.

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S21 got his “Congratulations Future Rambler” bannner across portal this am! Good news; now we need to see if merit offer is enough to make that realistic :wink:

Update: He received the admissions letter and was offered the Presidential Scholarship of 25k/year. Loyola Chicago is now definitely in play. That gets him to roughly equivalent cost to in-state at UC.


After waiting for a month, the “Let’s Get Started” banner on S’s home page has disappeared. Nothing else. Does this mean an answer is coming?

I wouldn’t read too much into that; I don’t think that happened for my S21. Hang in there and good luck

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Welp, S was accepted this morning! Maybe a coincidence, maybe not. :smile:

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Congratulations to your son! I know that wait gets a bit difficult. We were in the same boat last week. I wonder if applications are up at LUC? Seems decisions aren’t coming a bit slower than typical.

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Hi and congratulations!

Has anyone received an application for Interdisciplinary Honors Program yet?

Son applied 11/15, accepted 12/17 with $23k Damen Scholarship. He gas been accepted into honors programs at most other institutions by now, and meets the criteria* published on the LUC site, but hasn’t received an honors application from Loyola (only Gannon). Wondering if he personally is not invited or if overall the Loyola invitations aren’t out yet

*Published Criteria in the FAQ is: Highly qualified students who have been admitted to Loyola with a high school GPA of at least 3.75 and an ACT Composite test score of at least 29 (or SAT score of 1330) are invited to apply to the program. https://www.luc.edu/honors/faq/


I emailed my 2021 Senior’s Loyola-Chicago admission counselor asking about the Honors Application for incoming freshman who have been accepted. My child meets the posted online criteria for last year (website had not yet been updated for this year). Here is the admission counselor’s reply:

Congratulations on ***'s recent acceptance to Loyola Chicago and thank you for your interest in the Honors Program. Our committee members are currently finalizing eligibility requirements and you should anticipate an update to the website within the next few days. If *** is eligible for the program, there will be a link to the application in the status portal. Incidentally, only students who are in the top 20% of the admitted class will be invited to apply for the honors program. I hope this information helps.

Hope that helps! Have your student keep an eye on their portal.