2026 BFA Prescreen Results

We heard on accepted portal


Iā€™m just curious how long it took. DD is doing a gap year s this is her second go around. Last year she heard a yes really quickly so Iā€™m concerned that itā€™s been over a week and no news yet.

My D applied 10/25 and heard 11/3

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What about Elon? Anyone heard from them?

There were two Elon prescreen submission deadlines. One was September 19th and those callback invitations were sent out October 8th. The second deadline is December 5th and those invitations will be sent out January 17th. This is all from Accepted, hope this helps!! Elon University Department of Performing Arts | Acceptd


Thank you! We got ours submitted 10/24, so I guess we wonā€™t hear for awhile.:slight_smile:

My daughter submitted Syracuse Acting on 10/28 and heard back today on accepted portal- so about 10 days. I think they had a 11/1 deadline for prescreens so I imagine they are flooded.

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S submitted CMU 11/4 and heard back 11/8.

Surprisingly fast. They had 18 of 80 audition slots left this morning.

Iā€™m curious - do you hear back whether itā€™s yay or nay?

We have not heard from CMU and submitted 2 weeks ago. :frowning: I am also wondering if you hear back even if itā€™s a no? And if no news is good or bad news, lol.

You should hear back either way!


Ok, so I guess no news is good news then? Lol

I donā€™t know. I would think they would get back either way so kids are not left wondering. The whole process is confounding- all this effort just to see if they will allow a student to actually audition. I saw the post about CMU with only 18 spots left. Crazy. I wonder if that was MT or Acting. My daughter went the acting route for applications. She may be on the later end of submitting her prescreens.


My daughter did not apply to Fordham- but she did submit her prescreen to Chapman BFA (early action) about 11 days ago. I did not know that they release results at the same time. Fingers crossed for everyone.

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Last year my son did BFA acting, there was no rhyme or reason to the timing of the response to the prescreens (and who passed him for prescreens and where he ultimately was accepted based on quality of program). He heard back pretty quickly from some, both yes and no, and others took much longer, and there seemed to be no relationship to what happened with others.


My D submitted all of hers on 10/30. We immediately heard back from Emerson (yes) like within 2 days but havenā€™t heard from Syracuse or Elon (I think Elon has a later response time on their website). Just honestly wondering if you hear either way as Iā€™d hoped they wouldnā€™t keep the kids in limbo!

Our daughter did CMU for acting and made it through. :wink: When we scheduled our callback sessions, there was 350 slots total. Not sure how many are left, but definitely 350 total. we counted! lol So thereā€™s hope!

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Has anyone not heard from UMIch MT that submitted by 10/15?

Heard from chapman today about callbacks. (yes).

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Ok I just checked the slots for you. TONS of space available for CMU acting. Your good. :wink: