3.0 Unweighted GPA 1st Semester Senior Year

<p>I'm doing awful this semester, and am expecting somewhere around a 3.0 unweighted. I am taking 4 APs, but my grades have extremely regressed.</p>

<p>Are my chances of getting in RD pretty much dead?</p>

<p>3.5 GPA unweighted (going into senior year)
1470/1600 SAT
Decent ECs (nothing special)
Excellent essays
Pretty solid recs
Most rigorous courseload</p>

<p>I wouldn’t say one semester undoes three years, especially with a 1470 SAT.</p>

<p>What should my excuse be for my grade drop?</p>

<p>Just tell them the truth–that HYP&S wouldn’t stop calling & interrupting your study time.</p>

<p>^^ lol @ coldwind</p>

<p>Well what is your excuse?</p>

<p>I had pubic lice.</p>

<p>lol wut .</p>

<p>I’m in the same situation…though my GPA isn’t QUITE that bad. (Will probably go from a 3.98 to a 3.8something UW)</p>

<p>I’d say give it a try and see what happens.</p>

<p>Damn. 3.98 to a 3.8…what a downfall. Poor you. Just Jkin’ homie.</p>

<p>I wish I were you.</p>

<p>Uh, if you were me, you’d be stuck with a calculus teacher who tells you after every test that she can’t read your work and has to put it at the bottom of the pile…</p>

<p>That sounds terrible. I feel your pain.</p>

<p>truthfully, i don’t think colleges look that much at grades anymore, and it shouldn’t matter if you took rigorous courseloads. at my school, all the top people got rejected and kind of mediocre people got into schools early round. but then again, stanford and yale seem to be really picky this year…</p>

<p>Grades matter a lot, big man.</p>

<p>Sad truth.</p>

<p>If they didn’t, I would’ve gotten into Cornell and Notre Dame, no doubt.</p>

<p>Do you have a class rank? That may offset your GPA a little.</p>

<p>Nah. My school doesn’t do rank.</p>