3.03 Freshman GPA hoping to break into IB.. How Screwed Am I

<p>I am about to enter my second year/sophomore year at a semi-target and I received at Cumulative of 3.03 GPA. I am hoping to break into IB and hopefully get a good summer analyst internship hopefully at a bulge bracket for my "big internship" before senior year (summer before senior year and after junior year). This coming summer I am hopefully wanting to work at a regional IB but I have a 3.03 GPA as of now. How screwed will I be when it comes to summer 2013 recruiting because I always see "get at least a 3.2 and you'll safe for interviews"?</p>

<p>It is 3.5 at a target school. There are only a handful of target schools.</p>

<p>What about semi-targets</p>

<p>I believe it’s atleast a 3.7 at a semi-target.</p>


<p>You’re pretty screwed. Go network like crazy if you want a shot.</p>

<p>What’s your major? You could have had just a series of weed out classes and it will become much more manageable from there on out.</p>

<p>In my personal and half-informed opinion, your resume will get thrown out once they see the GPA and the school you are at (a semi-target). You have to network, but it might be hard for someone to support you given such a GPA. Definitely try networking, but also keep in mind the strong possibility that you might not be able to break into IB senior year/first job after senior year, and that you might have to try breaking into IB after 1-2 years at a non-IB finance job (during which you network / work hard).</p>

<p>When you say target schools, are you talking about the entire university or just the specific business schools? For example, everyone talks about UCB-Haas, but what about a degree from UCB from a different college? Especially with a major like econ or math/applied math?</p>

<p>I am a finance major but we have a curriculum we have to fulfill where we have to take specfic weed out classes (i.e: Chemistry and Calculus), those definitely attained to my tanking of the GPA so they are definitely not finance major related courses</p>

<p>If you have a decent number of classes in your major, and if your school allows it, you can always use your major GPA (following all of the guidelines surrounding the use of major GPA instead of cumulative GPA); that can help get you through initial screens and at least into a first round interview or two, assuming you have a pretty sweet major GPA after six classes or so</p>

<p>I would say tanking calculus wasn’t your best move.</p>

<p>Well you should be able to bring it up to at least a 3.6 by junior year. But you’ll have to work your ass off. Build relationships with professors, make sure they know your name. Avoid calculus, given your history.</p>

<p>If you can, re-take Chem and calculus. No one really looks at your transcript and this will be the quickest way to raise your gpa.
I can’t speak for Chem as I never took it at a college level but calculus, particularly if it’s part of the engineering core is mostly computational. If you can’t get an A in calc 1-3, the assumption will be that you’re too lazy to be a competent analyst.</p>

<p>^If you can’t get a good grade in calc 1-3, the assumption is that you are not capable of understanding the subject or you are lazy. Either way, that most likely will weed you out IMO.</p>

<p>Getting an internship and job offer is very tough. When you all say “networking, networking” what do you mean? Getting a job interview is one thing. Getting a job offer and keeping a job is a completely different thing. </p>

<p>Networking may help you gt a job, but it won’t help you keep it unless you can perform.</p>

<p>Oh, and angryelf, when you say no one looks at your transcrip, that is not the case at the BB my D works at. They required her college transcript. </p>

<p>Her first internship at a BB required her SAT score and HS average.</p>

<p>Requiring a transcript, particularly if it’s part of the online app, is not the same as looking through it. </p>

<p>Does she physically spend enough time looking through the transcript to actually be able to tell if someone re-took a few classes before deciding who gets a first round? If so, I stand corrected.</p>