3 quick questions

<p>Hey everyone, I didn't wanan spam the forum by making 3 threads in a row lol.
So here goes:</p>

<p>1) If i have an extra rec letter from a non-school official, can I just ask them to e-mail me the letter, and then print it out myself and put it in an envelope (because I was planning to stick the letter with all my other documents in one big yellow envelope - saves money lol) Or should extra rec letters always be sent directly by the recommender.</p>

<p>2) For McGill University (I know some of you probably won't know the answe to this one) they take SAT scores although they are not mandatory. I want to send mine, but do I actually need to use collegeboard's score sending, or is it enough to jut report them in the self-reporting section on the McGill application?</p>

<p>3) For a lot of universities, it says RD deadline is dec 31, but does that usually mean my documents must ARRIVE on 31, or just be sent of by the 31...</p>

<p>Thanks! Merry Christmas!</p>

<p>1) whatever is convenient
2) I’d use the Collegeboard’s service, if I were you
3) postmark by 31st – and even then, there’s some leeway-- it’s not as if they rent a massive shredder at the admissions office and dump every application that comes in marked Jan 5th. They actually LIKE THE FACT that you’re applying</p>

<p>1) I would give the letter-writer a stamped, addressed envelope. Doing otherwise seems to me like a false economy.</p>

<p>2) This one, I’d actually call or email and ask McGill what they prefer. I don’t like to give the College Board a nickel more than necessary. But if I couldn’t get an answer, or I had the slightest question, I’d send the official score report from College Board.</p>

<p>3) I agree with T26E4.</p>

<p>1) Agree with above posters
2) Have collegeboard send your scores
3) I would say get it in by the deadline and that means everything has to be postmarked by the 31st (but again, there’s a good amount of leeway with this). And if its due by the 31st, you have until 11:59 p.m. on the 31st to submit your app (if your doing online).</p>

<p>hey thanks for the replies everyone! So just the thing with the recommender…would the college really care whether it comes seperately in a mailed envelope (just seems like extra hassle + cost). Like what if i get an unstamped envelope and just have the recommender sign the flap, and then stick it it in the big yellow one altogether. Do they really look at technicalities like this…</p>

<p>"Do they really look at technicalities like this… "</p>

<p>think about it. Why would anyone invest a single iota into qualifying something as minute as this logistical item? If you were the office manager, is this how you’d direct your employees?</p>

<p>lol just wasn’t sure if they had any rules for that or not. But that makes sense. Thanks!</p>

<p>McGill REQUIRES SAT or ACT scores from all American applicants, except in Music. They must be sent directly from collegeboard, not self reported.</p>

<p>oh…so what if I’m a Canadian applicant with good SAT scores. Can i just self report it (I’m sure it won’t hurt), or should I still use colegeboard directly, because there IS a self reporting section for McGill…</p>

<p>Oh, as a Canadian I imagine a self report would be OK. I doubt if McGill would use them though. If you were borderline, good scores may help. If the scores ended up tipping you into the accepted pile, then they may ask for official scores.</p>

<p>Mhhhh.that makes sense Thanks everyone.</p>

<p>I saw on collegeboard that they use the SAT essay in the admission process. So even if i got like 720 in writing, but wrote a pretty bad essay, it might actually count against me if i send them my scores (if they see the essay with it)…</p>

<p>So since Canadians don’t actually need SAT’s, it would still HELP if I just WROTE my scores on the application right (in the unofficial test reporting section). Like, do they even look at the unofficial score section seriously if there are no official score reports to back them up?</p>

<p>1: Whatever is convenient, although if you ask them personally to mail it, (which I wouldn’t recommend, if you want something done right do it yourself) provide them with a stamped, addressed envelope.</p>

<p>2: I don’t know, I’m pretty sure collegeboard.com lets you send them online.</p>

<p>3: For most places, the deadline means they must be MAILED by December 31st, and for some documents deadlines are extended (like SS reports, teacher recs, etc.)</p>