some Q's about the app.

<p>hey guys hope everyone's finishing up the apps ok :P</p>

<p>as i'm trying to figure out if everything's going all right,
i've come up with some q's..

<p>1) anyone familiar with the e-transcripts? : I'm using this to send the transcripts for app. does the order date work similar to "post-marked" dates? or the actual date the org. sends my transcripts? my school's on break and won't approve the transcripts soon enough!!!</p>

<p>2) i took the Decemer SAT's and had the score be sent. But that was before I had apps sent in. should i resend them?</p>

<p>3) for the schools i didn't send the scores, would i still be ok if i send them now, regarding the deadlines like Jan. 1st- 15th? says on collegeboard that the estimated delivery time is 1-2wks! i thought those were electronic so it would go right through once the score are there..</p>

<p>4) also regarding the winter break... i had some issues with common app and had to reset my counselor info.... so the "school report" is left blank! my counselor doesn't check emails during break... we get back on Jan.5th, but the deadline for my colleges are mostly Jan.1st! what should i do..........................</p>


<p>oh man after typing up these q's, it seems like i should panic !
haha.. but i've been so unstable these days..
computer crashed- lost all files..</p>

<p>ordered new laptop which has been delayed like crazy and hasn't arrived yet!!-so i hav to work with this incredibly old, slow laptop i borrowed throughout the whole app process.....</p>

<p>moving tomoro-alone- so hav to get everything done by myself..</p>

<p>omg i'm trying to stay calm~
well hope everyone else is doing fine!
wish me luck XD</p>

<p>1) relax about the transcripts deadlines. I dunno many HS that are open on Dec 31 or Jan 1. The deadline is for your app – not every single item, especially items which you have no control. The school will get it to them and the colleges will happily accept them.
2) no need to resend. Scores arrive all the time w/o apps. They’re just set aside and then matched when your app gets to them
3) send them regular speed. see my answer to #1
4) see my answer to #1</p>

<p>Relax. Deep breaths. Good luck to you.</p>