>36, >2400 club

<p>I'm starting to believe CC's ACT/SAT standards are lacking.
So, I propose we start a new club, only for the absolute best of CC.</p>

<p>So I'll start-</p>

<p>1) Johnson181 (39 ACT, 2483 SAT)</p>


<p>(Maybe I shouldn't be allowed to post on CC when I'm crazy tired...)</p>

<p>You've already graduated from college? ;)</p>

<p>They counted my experimental section and I got 2670.</p>

<p>humph, I beat you all</p>

<p>aikomidori - 4800 (yes, then doubled my score :D)</p>

<p>I was the first test taker to break 100 on my ACT and 50,000 on the SAT.</p>

<p>I got a 69 on the ACT without even taking the test yet! ;)</p>

<p>I got 1337 on my ACT</p>

<p>I took the SAT while I was asleep with my eyes closed and my hands tied behind my back. And I got a 9640378421093.</p>

<p>i got a 36 on the SAT...hmmmmm....</p>

<p>I got a sideways 8 on my SAT... all I did was write Chuck Norris the entire 2 page essay..</p>

<p>^^^ I thought they would have given you negative markings for that. If you wrote an essay, on let's say, why Bob Saget is God, then I'm sure you can get a sideways 8. ;)</p>

<p>this thread is refreshing</p>

<p>people, would you consider bestowing on me a honorary membership, even though i went below the bar ya'll left behind?
my scores are not much to brag about, but quite unique nevertheless
ACT = 10 x pi ~ 31.41592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375
SAT = 1000 x e ~ 2718.28182845904523536028747135266249775724709369</p>

<p>&1&2- I don't know why you're asking for honorary membership- you're sat is more than good enough.
those are some crazy (nerdy) stats!</p>

<p>I hate you people</p>

<p>The feeling is mutual, Mr. Sinister.</p>

<p>My ACT is 69
My SAT is 8675309</p>

<p>They're nothing to brag about, I know.</p>

<p>terrible thread</p>

<p>wow, I"m so jealous at the high scores you guys have.</p>

<p>I hate everyone.</p>


<p>should i retake the sat?</p>