<p>I never turn in something late, spend a lot of time on the things that matter and study with what time I have left.
Smart kids usually figure out what their teachers like and dislike and use that to their advantage.</p>
<p>While everyone goes out on a Friday night, I stay home to study. :(</p>
<p>Thanks for all the input!</p>
<p>Knowing how to manage your time wisely is important as well</p>
<p>I think you already have the answer :).</p>
<p>I’m not a 4.0 student (though most people in my school assume I am), but I’ve found that sleeping at the same time each night for a reasonable amount of time (6.5-7 hours for me) is what does it. I can pay attention in class, take smarter notes, and get to the heart of what the teacher wants me to know in class when I’m awake. I’m averaging the same amount of sleep I was before–I would yo-yo between 4/5 hours of sleep and 7/8 the next night–but doing much better.</p>
<p>I think, too, it’s important to study everything one more time than you really need to. Redo a math problem if you didn’t quite understand it the first time but do now; go through your flashcards (which you made in class because you wanted to save time) one more time after you got them all right; etc.</p>