4+1 Program at UC's (BS to Masters Program)

<p>Hi guys,</p>

<p>Can anyone fill me in on the details on the 4+1 program that some UCs offer? I plan on majoring in Computer Science. Excellent EC’s for my major, 3.65 UC GPA, 2200 SAT. </p>

<p>Trying to get into UC San Diego, Davis, or Santa Barbara. I’ve heard of the 4+1 program, where people complete their undergrad in 4 years and then go on to complete the masters and get the masters degree the following year. Can anyone fill me in on the details?</p>

<p>I’d really like to get a BS in Comp Sci, Masters in Comp Sci, and then Masters in Business Admin (MBA). If I can get a BS and a master immediately after, it’ll be much quicker to get into the real world job market, and gain some experience. Ideally, I’d like to go through some 4+1 type of program within 5 years - I’ll have a masters and will be working. After getting masters, I’d like 3-4 years of work experience and then try to do MBA at a prestigious university (Stanford/uPenn). </p>

<p>SO - Can anyone give me some details on this 4 years undergrad + 1 year of grad (masters) program and which UCs offer it for Computer Science? Thanks!</p>