4.3 my max?

<p>I am currently trying to figure out my UC calculated GPA.
On my transcript from school it says I have a 4.083 UC-CSU calculated GPA.
When I calculated it as A= 4 B= 3 etc and + 8 for AP courses I only end up with 3.96
Which gpa should I send?</p>

<p>24 semester classes for Sophmore and Junior combined.
8+ Ap classes</p>

<p>So if I had straight A’s:
[(24*4)+8]/24 = 4.3 </p>

<p>Is 4.3 the max GPA I can get as an overall calculated UC GPA?
Are my honor classes I took in Sophmore year weighted?
I don’t understand how my school calculated my GPA to 4.08.</p>

<p>Generally, Frosh-Soph honors courses do not earn the bonus point. Honors Eng II will not, for example, nor with Honors Alg II. But Honors Chem does earn a bonus point, as will Honors PreCalc, even if you take as a Soph.</p>

<p>There is no where on the uc application that it asks you to put your gpa in. They calculate it for you.</p>