<p>Would have a 5.0 this semester but due to the required Sex Education class, it dropped my gpa to a 4.8. Since getting an A in that class is only worth a 4.0</p>
<p>What should I do? I'm trying to get them to let me take it for pass/fail credit, but I've heard they stopped that several years ago.</p>
<p>just take the class! if it’s a required class, then everyone in school will be affected, so chill. I had to take a required health class freshman year, any my gpa still worked out fine in the end</p>
<p>You know colleges don’t care about weighted GPA? Cause in my school an A in an AP is a 4.488 but in yours its a 5. So they can’t decide anything on weighted.</p>
<p>If colleges only care about unweighted, why should I bother taking AP/honors classes that I’ll get B’s in compared to regular classes that are easy A’s…</p>