4 Big Ten + Notre Dame chances? i'll chance back

<p>Alright so:</p>

<p>Midwest= ACT, yippee! cough*</p>

Undergrad class '13 hopeful
GPA: (5 pt scale weighted) 5.515
ACT: 31
Class Rank: 25/451</p>

Varsity Football (sport 4 years, varsity 1)
Varsity Swimming (sport 4 years, varsity 2 years, sportsmanship award '08)
Varsity Water Polo (sport 4 years, varsity 3 years, sportsmanship award '08, 2nd team all-sectional 2008)
Athletes Committed to Excellence (4 years)
Peer Leadership Network (2 years)
National Honor Society (1 year)</p>

<p>Job Experience:
1 year Tree Service
3 years Lifeguard</p>

University of Illinois-Urbana/Champagne
Indiana University
University of Wisconsin-Madison</p>

Norte Dame
Northwestern (ED)</p>

<p>It also may help that my dad was a high school dropout?
That and my senior year schedule looks like a junior year schedule
AP Biology
AP Calculus BC
AP Spanish
AP Micro: Economics
Honors Accounting
Pop Lit (yay!)</p>

<p>i'd really appreciate the feedback!</p>

<p>wow you're really smart, lets meet up ;]
winner winner chicken dinner!
PS stay in-state! :]:]:]</p>

<p>Haha thanks..;)
Oh and i guess one last thing i forgot about my E.C's
I shadowed an Orthopedic Surgeon all summer for about 15 hours a week
I'm at somewhat of a school crossraod b/t medicine and business</p>

<p>in everywhere but northwestern and ND</p>

<p>chance me please</p>

<p><a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/566032-chance-me-please.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/566032-chance-me-please.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>