4 W's on my college transcript...did I hurt my chances?

<p>I am a freshman in college changing majors from Animal Science to Nursing. I had decided to take animal science after taking a vet science course and enjoying it. After doing some research about the field, I feel that I would fit in with going with my original plan to get my nursing degree and eventually move on to being a nurse practitioner(I wanted to be in the medical field for as long as I can remember). I'm transferring schools next semester. My animal science courses aren't going transfer in any way that can help my major. I dropped them to focus on the courses I actually need for nursing school. I would have 4 W's total now (The courses had co-requisites that I had to drop also) Did I hurt my chances of going to nursing school because of all the W's?</p>

<p>Most applications give you a place to explain anything about your academic record. Take advantage of that section, or attach your own explanation.</p>

<p>It is my understanding that at most colleges when a student withdraws from a course that it usually is also indicated whether the student was passing the course (WP) or failing the course (WF) when the couse is dropped. If your courses were all WP’s then as long as you explain the reason in your applications for withdrawing from the courses then I doubt it would have a negative impact. However I think you will find that many, if not most, direct entry Nursing Programs do not accept transfer students into the Spring semester for the Nursing Program. If you have found some that do then good luck to you. You might have better luck applying to non direct entry Nursing Programs.</p>

<p>Thank you! I was definitely passing the courses, its just that the courses I were taking for animal science were taking up a big chunk of my schedule… both class wise and study wise. I figured since I can’t use the hours towards my major, why stress so hard about them? I already got accepted to a college as a transfer. But my major as of now is just pre-nursing. I plan to apply next year for the nursing program.</p>