43 year old mom in Medical School????

<p>I am a 43 year old mother or 4 children who are now in high school and college. I am a very senior executive of a large multispecilaty medical group practice and have worked full time in healthcare management for 18 years. I have an undergraduate degree (from 20 years ago) with a double major in psychology and sociology and a graduate degree in healthcare policy from the University of Chicago. I want to go to medical school. I would need to spend the next two years taking preparatory coursework (all of the sciences). Is this realistic? How would a medical school look at someone like me? Would I be able to work at all while I was in medical school? Any advice? WOuld I be the only 45 year old in medical school?</p>

<p>What a tough road to hoe! The 2 years of prep work (pre-med) are a major challenge, but that is probably doable. There is no time at all in med school to work (eating can be a luxury, time-wise) and the strain I imagine will be great. However, I think the hardest part would be Internship at age 50!
Even if you don't ever want to practice, an Internship is almost always required for a license, and I can't imagine how one would have put up with the previous 6 years of struggle and then want to quit short of full licensure.
Anyway, it's possible but will require Herculean effort. Best of luck!</p>

<p>Hello! I know some schools have pre-med programs for non-traditional students so you should definitely look into those. Bryn Mawr is the only one i can think of right now, but google it and i'm sure you'll find more :)</p>

<p>Nope, you won't be the only. I know a number of them. Good friend pushing 50 is at Drexel Med school first year as I type.</p>

<p>I agree, my mom use to go in to the med school at 5:00 AM and come out at 3:00 AM the next day. They would literally eat lunch right next to the dissection lab just cause there arent free time around and take "Uppers" to stay up for 36 hours studying. She called it the "24s" and the "36s" and laugh about it, cause she cant imagine how she was able to tolerate that much hard work. She graduated in Asia.</p>