482 + 603 = 1085 words OK for both UC prompts?

<p>I am just about ready to submit my UC application but I am having trouble trimming it down to ~1,000 words. I've cut out as much unnecessary information as possible and I can't seem to cut out any more.</p>

<p>Prompt 1 = 482 words
Prompt 2 = 603 words
Total = 1085 words</p>

<p>Would this be acceptable or is it still pushing the word limit?</p>

<p>Hell the efff no! Cut it down to 1020 MAX</p>

<p>yes its fine! they wont mind</p>

<p>For the answer to your question, just take the average of the first two responses.</p>

<p>It’s fine. They won’t mind!! Good luck! I’m preparing on sending mine too! =)</p>

<p>Haha, I lol’d at your comment, yawn. </p>

<p>Alright thanks guys, I SUBMITTED! :D</p>

<p>lmao @ the first comment.</p>

<p>Mines 1076, so same situation. Hopefully they don’t mind too much, as I really don’t have much room to cut down. hehe</p>

<p>no, I don’t think that would be okay cuz it said like 1017 words or less than a 1000 words.</p>