4th year of Presidential Scholarship can now be used for Graduate school!

<p>@ProudPapaBear‌, my son is a business school undergrad who came in with 30 AP credits. If he chose to use this program to pursue an MBA (2 yr. program), UA would absorb the cost of year 1. Dad and I would have to pick up the cost of year 2 at OOS rates. Not impossible, but not planned for either. Since he is so far down the path of a double major with multiple specializations, he will likely stay the course and forego the program. We might have chosen differently if this announcement had come a year ago. I think that’s why this has to be worked out on a case-by-case basis. It will be fantastic for some! </p>

<p>I believe that UA will also cover the cost of an MBA beyond 4 years if a student scores 700 or higher on the GMAT. At least this has been true in the past for students in the STEM Path to MBA program. The school is unbelievably generous to high achievers.</p>

<p>My Daughter’s program is not stem or MBA. Her program is a 5 semester Master’s Program at UA, 6 semesters at the in-state colleges. It’s not a part of University scholars, although sometime in the future it may be. Dr. Francko is trying to get more grad programs to join the University Scholars program.</p>

<p>She has the NM package from the HS class of 2012 which is 8 semesters of tuition and 4 years of housing. She spoke with Dr Francko. In order to take graduate classes in her program she would need to graduate in May. By graduating, the housing scholarship goes away as well as all federal financial aid. She did not find out about the $1000 NM stipend. She was told there are opportunities for graduate scholarships such as GA positions but that they are competitive and approximately 900 people apply for about 200. Those are for varying amounts of money.</p>

<p>She’ll be deciding over the weekend.</p>

<p>UA does offer some funding for master’s degree programs, but it is very competitive. That said, a student who is very well liked by professors and has the potential to do very well in graduate school may be encouraged by those professors to apply to UA’s graduate school knowing there’s a very good chance that they will be admitted with aid. FWIW, graduate admissions are typically decided by a small group of veteran professors in that department who vote on each application. Those professors can vote to deny, admit without aid, or admit with aid. </p>

<p>Yankee Belle, thank you daughter for talking to Dr. Francko. Now that we know for sure that the housing scholarship will be going away, it makes sense for my son to continue on the University Scholars track. Good luck to your daughter in her decision.</p>

<p>It was a tough decision. My D will remain a college undergraduate and not graduate this spring. She will complete a business minor along with 2 majors next year. </p>

<p>Does this apply to UAB med school?? if so, it would be awesome. </p>

<p>UAB is not UA. Totally different campuses. Did you apply to both schools?</p>

<p>No, no I was thinking about applying to UAB medicine after graduating UA undergraduate. </p>

<p>My son started this yr. got UA Scholar plus Engineering for full out of state tuiton. He came in with plenty of AP and college transfer, he is majoring in aero with stem MBA. and in honors. When we talked about doing the master MBA during the 4th yr. because he will be finished undergraduate in 3yr. we were told it will work out etc. newer program, no definite answer. So when this came out I was like yeah they have something in writing, then I read it and it is only for presidential which is full tuition which what my son has is full tuiton also. So what is my son’s option now, he is really wanting to continue the stem MBA program but he will be finished with undergrad at yr. 3 but the 4th yr. will not cover the grad classes. And we do not have the OOS money for him to stay 5yr. Could he take some senior classes and grad classes for this program his 3rd and 4th yr. and finish both at same time???</p>

<p>There is a program called University Scholars. <a href=“http://courseleaf.ua.edu/specialacademicprograms/universityscholars/”>http://courseleaf.ua.edu/specialacademicprograms/universityscholars/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I believe there is a good scholly for a 700 on the GMAT for Stem MBA folks. You should ask the folks at UA for more details.</p>

<p>Yes, we were told by Dr. Morgan that so far in the STEM MBA program, a 700 GMAT score would qualify for full tuition for the extra year. However, unlike other UA programs, this is not in writing and is reviewed on a yea to year basis so there is no guarantee they will honor that score going forward. Also keep in mind that a 700 GMAT score is very high, even for top students. That score is in the range of the top B-schools in the country so certainly not a gimme by any means. That is why we were thrilled when they modified the Pres scholarship to allow year 4 for grad school. We too could not afford OOS for the incremental year.</p>

<p>Would love to see them extend this to UA Scholars, the kids that got 30-31 on their ACT. It may mean the difference between our OOS D getting a one year masters at UA or elsewhere.</p>

<p>Do summer terms count as semesters for the NMF package?
Just wondering if it were possible to get a masters in finance and do a summer semester abroad within the 10 semester limit?
(I would think it would be doable especially if one entered with at least 30 hrs of AP credit but just wondering).</p>

<p>Yes you can use scholarship during the summer.</p>