4th year or SAT Subject test?

(Right now I am a freshman) This year I took Spanish 3 Honors on FLVS because I didn’t have room for it on my schedule. I hated it, and its much harder than taking it in school and its very difficult to learn, but I mostly did it just to have more than 2 years of a language (took Spanish 1 and 2 in middle school). Now I don’t know if I NEED to take a 4th year, or if I can satisfy a 4th year by getting a good score on the SAT Subject for Spanish. Does the “demonstrated proficiency” from the test cancel out any negatives from the fourth year or do elite colleges value more that you took the class instead of demonstrated proficiency? For further information, I’m more of a STEM student. Next year I will be in AP Calc AB, Bio, and Chem, and I’m also in the capstone program; so will no fourth year bring me down THAT much if I have a good SAT subject + strong STEM background?

Depends on the university. You should take the subject test regardless of whether or not you continue Spanish though.

The SAT subject test for Spanish can be used to fulfill Introductory courses at some colleges (usually up to level 2), but it will not take the place of a 4th year of Spanish. Since you have reached level 3 already and you still have 3 more years of HS, take the 4th year Sophomore year and save AP Chem for Junior year.