<p>I think that if you truly have prepared well enough to make a go of five classes for your double makor of History and English, then you should just go for it. </p>
<p>Keep a really good schedule of things in order to best stay on track and I hate to say this but please keep the withdraw dates in mind and all of that to be on the safe side. </p>
<p>Read through the study hacks blog and whatnot to learn a trick or two. </p>
<p>Just go for it, OP. </p>
<p>Signed, </p>
<p>Mildred the Math/Process Philosophy/Physics Geek</p>
<p>Everything is always dependent on something else. All advice implicitly comes with a “Your mileage my vary” warning. This is why we’re talking about generality. Geez…</p>
<p>Unless I’ve misunderstood this thread, the OP wanting to know if 5 courses in the major fields was reasonable for a history/English double major, which is the question I tried to address. If it’s seemingly unrelated to what you said, that’s indicative of something else entirely.</p>