6 hours to decide - help!

<p>Hey guys!</p>

<p>I currently have roughly six hours to decide whether I will go to UM or Emerson College (in Boston). They are both radically different schools. I'd be studying screenwriting at Emerson and I'd be in the Motions Pictures major (I'd double major in English) in the screenwriting tract at UM's SOC. </p>

<p>UM, as you all know, is about 10,000 undergrad, has a big sports/Greek presence, and is a more typical college experience. Emerson is about 4,000 undergrad, has a very small sports and Greek presence, and has a very urban feel to it. They both have great programs, but Emerson's is more specialized to my field. However, it's really hard not to be drawn to Miami. The finances turn out so UM is a little less expensive, but only by like 2,000 dollars a year. </p>

<p>Is anyone in the SOC at UM? What is your program like? Are there a lot of opportunities for internships (I know there are a lot of internships, but are they related to your field)? A lot of my friends and family say I'm an "Emerson Kid" (I'm a bit of hipster, but I like to party and meet new people) - would a kid like me be able to fit in at UM?</p>

<p>To anyone who may have gone to Emerson or a similar non-traditional school - how was it? Do you feel like you really missed out on anything? Do you have any regrets? </p>

<p>Also, I'm from Chicago, so I'm used to being close to a city.</p>

<p>Anyone who knows anything about either school, please feel free to reply. I clearly need as much help I can get ASAP.</p>

<p>Only you can decide this. You have to think what will be better for you. I will go to UM this fall and my major is motion pictures too</p>

<p>Two kids I know:</p>

<p>kid #1: at UM SOC majoring in motion pics; hasn’t been able to get an internship on his own for 4 years; graduating this year…no idea if he has any job</p>

<p>kid #2: at Emerson in screenwriting; has gotten internships every summer…Emerson really opens doors; seems like there’s an Emerson “mafia” around…</p>

<p>No vested interest; take it for what it’s worth</p>

<p>@cristina001 I know I do haha. I’m just scared that I’ll choose wrong. </p>

<p>@rodney Thanks for responding! On my tour of Miami I ran into a woman who is an agent in LA and she mentioned the Emerson mafia too haha.</p>

<p>I guess I just worry that, if I go to Emerson for the program, I may not like it. And then I’ll end up studying creative writing (my second choice major) at Emerson when I could be doing that at UM and be having a lot more fun.</p>

<p>If anyone else has any input, please let me know!</p>

<p>^^yea, that would be my concern as well…it sounds like you would be better off “overall” at UM…even though Emerson might be the better choice for major…tough decision; good luck</p>

<p>what’d you end up deciding?</p>