<p>@skiingfifi–We were there at the same time (Bo and Ricky Leach). Perhaps you will relate to some of these comments.</p>
<h1>4. Live on central campus </h1>
<p>Should go without saying</p>
<h1>14. Social lounge…</h1>
<p>Great place to hang out and watch first few seasons of SNL with practically the entire dorm</p>
<h1>28. Football tickets…</h1>
<p>Walked in to Michigan stadium once freshman year and walked out never to return (hate crowds), sold my student tickets for play money every year thereafter</p>
<h1>30. Mailbox…</h1>
<p>Back then, no other way to get mail. Great social hangout. Checked it every time I walked by. Got excited when I could see an envelope through the cloudy plastic window</p>
<h1>40. Pizza Bob’s…</h1>
<p>Also agree. Great to see PB’s still there, but I miss Drake’s for cinnamon buns and Earl Grey tea</p>
<h1>49. Go to…orientation…</h1>
<p>Great advice. I started in January, never heard of orientation, didn’t know I was supposed to have a “program”. Just took every English class Mich offered and thought I could graduate early when I had run out the catalog junior year. Guess what? Non-English classes were required. Orientation covers that.</p>
<h1>49B Registration…</h1>
<p>So much simpler now than wandering from table to table in Waterman gym (no longer there). Is it still called “CRISP”? I always picked classes/sections based on final exam date as I always wanted to be done on the first or second day of exams. Also, always picked classes/sections that met on T/Th so I only went to class two days a week, three if absolutely necessary. (It is worth changing majors frequently to keep this schedule.)</p>
<h1>54 Keep your door open…</h1>
<p>You never know what will walk in. Gorgeous boy wandered into my room freshman year and never left. Been married 30 years now.</p>
<p>Oh, and “Rick’s” was “The Blue Frog” and drinking age was 18 so it was always a party.</p>
<p>GO BLUE!!!</p>