<p>My sister has a 690 in reading and she needs to turn this into a 750+ in two months, any suggestions, tips?</p>
<p>read? </p>
<p>but seriously, if you really want us to help, you need to give us more information about her, like where she's having trouble, etc, etc...</p>
<p>Can you say vagueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.</p>
<p>Go pick up a book.</p>
<p>she has trouble concentrating on passages she has no interest in, she does great on the history/literature passages, but has trouble with the arts/certain science passages. and you can't just read a bunch of books and expect to increase your reading comprehension skills in just 2 months, that method would work over a long period of time.</p>
<p>say I have the same problem here. I can't focus on long boring art passages</p>
<p>Stephennguyen and sleck, do you read the entire passage first?
Break the passages into chunks. Read like one paragraph or the first 20 lines and then see if you can answer one of the first questions about it. Then read a little more, and so on and so forth, this way, the info is fresh in your mind. That is how I do it and I think this way the passages are a little more bearable.</p>
<p>^ this is how i do it too. just take it a paragraph at a time, and you can't move on until you understand what you read because you have to answer a question about it.</p>
<p>^ Not to mention that you usually forget what you read about by the time you finish the passage.</p>
<p>My sister does that too, but she tends to just zone out when she's reading passages she's not interested in. She usually get near perfects on two passages and than bomb the third passage(the third passage isn't always the last passage so its not an issue of endurance).</p>
<p>^thats the thing though, she can't go to the next paragraph until she understands what she just read, because she has to answer the question on that paragraph</p>