80- character lines

<p>The application says that you can only have 120 lines of 80 characters. Is the 80 character per line thing a suggestion or is it a requirement? Thanks!</p>

<p>Apply Texas will truncate your response if you go over. </p>

<p>I know they’ll cut you off if you go over, but what I’m confused about is the exact parameters of the outlines. By lines, do they mean lines across a page or just sentences? How long would this be?</p>

<p>It means each line. It includes spaces, periods and everything. So it would be exactly 120 lines long of 80 characters. </p>

<p>They essay need to be exactly 80 characters per line?</p>

<p>I typed my essay in a word document and pasted it into the box using plain text. It will automatically format to 80 characters per line. Spaces, letters and all punctuation count as a character.</p>