<p>Here's the creds:</p>
<p>Asian Female, 1st generation student
Income level: 30k-36k</p>
<p>Public High School
Live in suburbia--Lincoln, NE
Currently a Junior</p>
<p>Unw. GPA: 3.71-3.75(somewhere in there)
--to be 3.8ish by senior year, hopefully
Weighted: 4.1-4.3 (somewhere in there)
--to be 4.3ish by senior year</p>
<p>Grades show an uphill trend</p>
<p>Rank: 16/400some kids; Top 4%</p>
<p>ACT score: 27 (first time--am taking prep course and retaking it)
*PROJECTING a score of 32+ on retake (gonna work my butt off)</p>
<p>Taking 3 SAT 2s in Math 1, Lit., & US History soon</p>
<p>Took most rigorous courses availabe (AP's, differentiated AKA honors, all that good stuff)</p>
*Student Council (9--secretary. was full of snobs)
*Archery Club (9)
*Speech Team (9, 10)
*Debate Team (10, 11, 12)
--guaranteed spot as Captain in 12th grade
*Asian Caucus (9--Pres., 10, 11, 12--be a V.P. perhaps)
*Science Olympiad (9, 10, 11, 12)
*National Honor Society (12)
*Tennis Team (12)
*Junior Achievemet--Teen-ran company "O.M.G." (11, 12)
*Upward Bound College-Prep program--Math/Science (10, 11, 12)
*Started this year @ Sheldon Art Gallery
*Started this year @ Lincoln Humanities Council
*Bright Lights Classroom Assistant in summer
AIMING for 150+ community service hours by end of summer</p>
*Upward Bound 6-week program (10, 11)
*Victory Briefs Debate Institute (11)
*Am. Legion Auxilliary Girls State (11)
*Summer school (9, 10, 11)
*Volunteering (11) @ Sheldon, Humanities Council & Soup Kitchen</p>
*Wendy's (9, 10, 11)--2 years-- 10-15 hours/week
*Chinese Restuarant (11)--6 months-- 10-15 hours/week
*Gallup Interviewing (11-12)--6 months at least-- 20-30 hours/week</p>
*will get AP Honors of some sort
*World History--4
*US History--projected 4/5
*Lang/Comp--projected 4
WILL TAKE: Calc BC, Psych, Gov't/Politics US & Gov't/Politics Comparative, Macroeconomics</p>
*won champions @ 3 Debate tournaments,...ranked 2nd in debate for 10th & 11th grade in Nebraska, State Qualifier for debate 2x (10, 11) & State Qual. for speech (10), won 1 speech tournament champ @ varsity division for informative speaking, awarded High Honors Cert. of achievement in Debate/Speech by Order of the Elks</p>
<p>Essays: hope to be stellar. I'm a strong writer. Will be working on them in summer @ EducationQuest</p>
<p>Boston U
Boston College
U of Chicago
New York Univ.
John Hopkins
Wash U. @ St. Louis
<p>If you'd like to give me my chances in percentages, or ranks of most likely-->hardest to get in, that'd be appreciated but not required. Thank you all! If you're a student at one of the colleges or a counselor or expert on admissions, please put that down too! THANKS!</p>
<p>Finally, I would love for you to be most frank in your advice. I'm pretty realistic and I know that some of these schools are simply based on wishful thinking; please tell me all your thoughts about my potential application to these schools, and I will consider them. :)</p>