<p>Northwestern (ED)?
Michigan (ER)?
Illinois (EA)?
Wisconsin ?
Case Western (EA)?
Purdue ?</p>
<p>GPA: 4.22 W , 3.83 UW
Top 5%
Asian Male
Hopeful Major: Chemistry (Pre-med track) , LSA</p>
Freshman: No honors classes
Sophomore: 2 honors classes
Junior: AP Psych (5), APUSH (4), AP Eng Lang (3), AP Stats (5), 2 honors classes
Senior: AP Calc BC, AP Chem, AP Phys B, AP Eng Lit, 1 honors class</p>
<p>Test Scores:
ACT: 29
SAT II: Took US History and Math II on 10/6</p>
<p>Extracurricular Activities
- Cross Country - Captain
- Track & Field - Captain
- Spanish Club
- School Newspaper - Copy Editor
- Cultural Group Volunteer
- CEC - Peer Tutor
- Key Club
- PresidentÂ’s Council (School Leadership Group, nominated by principal)</p>
- Cross Country Varsity Letters
- Track & Field Varsity Letters
- Nominated to Conference Leadership Committee
- Conference All-Academic Award for Cross Country
- Certificate of Recognition for Contributions to High School
- AP Scholar with Honor
- High Honor Roll
- Nominated to PresidentÂ’s Council </p>
<p>Good Recs and Essays</p>
<p>Thanks for the opinions.</p>