a chance at any Ivy


<p>Current Grade: Junior
Current Average: 95% (about the same all througout h/s)
GPA: School has none
Class rank: School has none
PSAT:65 CR, 72 M, 73 W (in national merit commendation range)
SAT:find out this monday</p>

<p>Currently taking 2 AP's and 3 honors. I plan to take 4 or 5 AP's next year.</p>

<p>Sports after completing H/S:
8 years soccer
4 years basketball
4 years tennis
2 years cross country
4 years crew---varsity since sophomore year. stoke seat varisty lightweight boat sophomore year. 6th place scholastic nationals. </p>

<p>Extra Curriculars:
10 years piano:
-played in carnegie hall twice (combination 2 solos, 1 duet)
-played in Merkin Hall, NYC
-Winner of Andrew De Grado Piano Competition in 2001
-Blue Ribbon achievement every year from 1999-2003 at the Pano Teachers Forum of Central NJ
-Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music grades 3-8 completed, distinction awarded for grades 4 and 8
-member of high school jazz quartet (keyboard)
-currently making a CD to sell--proceeds go to a charity
-Took 3 classes total over various summers with JHU-CTY program (biotechnology, latin, advanced topics in chemistry)
-playing guitar in spare time
-now that i'm old enough to be an EMT, i'm beginning my training over the next summer so i can be a cadet before the summer is over.</p>

<p>the piano is really impressive, if you can get that CR SAT up to 700 and raise the GPA a bit i'd say you would be a great candidate.</p>

<p>why "any ivy"? </p>

<p>in love with prestige? sweet</p>

<p>haha not exactly...it doesnt have to be an ivy, just a school of that caliber</p>

<p>I agree with rilokiley, get the CR up.</p>

<p>anyone else?</p>

<p>You're going to Harvard!! (really, what do you want us to say?)</p>

<p>not that...</p>

<p>if ur asian then it'll be extrememly hard.. they're harsher on asians startin this year.. so perfection wont cut it anymore.. u just have to be unique.. and from what i see. ur ECs are pretty typical...
im talkin bout the ivies that is..</p>

<p>a school of caliber.. if any school of caliber then u do have a shot!</p>

<p>If you are good at rowing, and by good I mean not brain dead, they will recruit you as long as you can break 1350.</p>

<p>I wish I had done rowing, fencing, or lacrosse, biggest regret. Track is too difficult to compete against underpriviledged inner city kids who are also incredibly fast.</p>

<p>yeah i would like to be recruited if possible. i know someone who got recruited to yale for rowing...very similar to me...and with something like a 2170 on the SAT. he just found out recently, so that gives me some more hope....thanks for your posts everyone</p>

<p>cracking down on asians? oh poo.......</p>

<p>i'm half asian....i don't know what thats gonna mean</p>