A couple questions about grade reporting

Hey guys, I had a question about grade reporting:
Just for a bit of context, II failed two classes in Sophomore year (bad, I know): Spanish and a religion class. Sophomore year was a downer for me and my academics suffered to say the last ( I averaged C’s and B’s first semester and B’s and F’s second semester while dropping a ton of AP and honor classes. Luckily, I’ve been able to bounce back with strong showings in Junior and Senior year).
Basically, I reported the Spanish class which I retook and put the religion class in the additional information since it’s not A-G. I retook the religion class but ended up with a D during the summer. I also mentioned the religion class again under activities and awards where I reported religion classes (all 4 I took) as other coursework.
I was curious how big of a deal it would be?
Obviously I want to be as transparent with the UC officers as possible so I reported it but I was curious how this would affect my chances at the UC’s in general.

If the Religion class is not an a-g course, it will not be an issue in calculating your UC GPA’s and meeting UC eligibility, but it can be an issue if you do not fulfill your HS graduation requirements by having the F and D on your record.