would those colleges be good selections for a Business Marketing major?
<p>marketing is very strong at indiana. just fyi, in case you weren't aware (as many aren't before they actually start the program) marketing is NOT the same thing as advertising.</p>
can i get into these colleges with 3.3 cumulative GPA and a 28 ACT score?
<p>yes. and personal preference, i would probably say depaul is the most fun (it's in one of the best, if not the best area of chicago (which obviously can not be compared to bloomington or iowa city), and has a strong business program with strong regional influence (though working places other than chicago post-graduation would be more of a problem than, say, coming from indiana)</p>
<p>i got it all except that last bit about post graduation.</p>
<p>i have toyed with the idea of going to IU for 4 years, then going to graduate school at Depaul, is that neccesary? will that really help? should i rather just go to Depaul for 4 years, AND then another 2 after that?</p>
<p>i dont know much about colleges or how they work, so sorry if i seem a little slow on this subject.</p>
<p>i was just implying, and this is just my impression, that graduating from depaul you would have a strong chance at a career in chicago and the surrounding areas, but that your prospects would drop sharply if leaving to, say, new york, DC, etc.</p>
<p>indiana might not provide you with as strong of opportunities in chicago, but nationally would likely be more lucrative.</p>
<p>ie: Depaul is good for careers in chicago, not as good in other places. Indiana is decent everywhere.</p>
i have toyed with the idea of going to IU for 4 years, then going to graduate school at Depaul, is that neccesary? will that really help? should i rather just go to Depaul for 4 years, AND then another 2 after that?
<p>it's all up to you, both of them have great MBA programs, with Kelley being the overall winner in strength.</p>
<p>what people typically do, when getting their MBA, is graduate college, work for 2-5 years, then apply to MBA schools. It's all up to you on where to do graduate/undergraduate</p>
<p>and yes, and MBA can greatly increase career prospects and salary. some companies will ONLY hire MBAs for certain positions.</p>
<p>i personally think depaul is a better undergraduate experience than Indiana, but that's just me. Depaul's business school will also be slightly easier than Indiana's.</p>
<p>so what about flipping it, going to Depaul for undergrad, then get my MBA at IU?</p>
<p>possible, good idea?</p>
<p>cuz u said Depaul is a better undergrad experience, yet graduating from IU is stronger nationally.</p>
<p>and another thing to add in with all the Depaul stuff you guys are saying, i live right outside of chicago, and i really like where i live, and chicago is a great place, i wouldnt mind working in chicago, should i go to Depaul for undergrad and grad so i can work in Chicago?</p>
<p>thanks again for the help, everyone here is really helpin me out.</p>
<p>I would recommend Indiana...they've got a great b-school and IMO the best school on that list. I don't know what undergrad experience you can get at Depaul that you can't get at IU, except for the difference between city school and small town school. Just my opinion though.</p>
<p>And does ISU stand for Indiana State, Illinois State, or Iowa State?</p>
so what about flipping it, going to Depaul for undergrad, then get my MBA at IU?</p>
<p>possible, good idea?
<p>definitely possible</p>
cuz u said Depaul is a better undergrad experience, yet graduating from IU is stronger nationally.
<p>you have to take what i say at face value, my statements about depaul undergrad vs. iu were only my impressions, and my personal tastes (i spent a year at iu, i have lots of friends at depaul, live in the area, and spend a pretty good deal of time down there)</p>
<p>you should visit iu, get a feel for it, decide if you want to go to school in the city, etc.</p>
<p>sounds great, i think you'd really rather be in a big city when you're in your mid 20s doing an MBA versus when you're still in your teens and low 20s doing an undergrad, anyway.</p>
<p>me and my group of friends have a plan, we all are going to college wherever, and then we all getting our MBA's at Depaul, back home in chicago, itl be a nice way to end that segment of life. My buddy has a sick condo in Lincoln Park</p>