A few questions answered for a newbie please

<p>First off, unwheighted gpa, how does this work? In my school, the only changes of the standard 4.00 score is honors classes are
and for Ap classes
will I lose these advantages?, that could really hurt my GPA
Also if applying to schools, such as one of my reaches, harvard, they do not accept my the 4s in some of my ap tests, should I still write those in my common application, and if I do so, will I need to send an officioal score report? thanks so much</p>

<p>Yes, all those honors/AP advantagess are lost in unweighted. Everyone has to deal with it, so no need to complain about how it hurts your GPA - many have been there done that.</p>

<p>If you put it on your CommonApp you need to send a score report. If they're 4's, I'd go ahead and put them there - there's no harm. I did the same thing for my schools even though my exams aren't accepted for credit either. Of course, you definitely have the option to not put them down at all, but the admissions officers may wonder why you haven't taken any at all.</p>

<p>thanks for the info</p>