A few questions : transfer now, or wait for masters?

<p>I'm currently studying International Relations and Economics at the University of Western Australia. I plan to transfer next year (enrollment Fall 2011), but only if i can get into a University that will be worth my while. </p>

<p>I plan to do a masters in (development) economics, preferably at one of the Ivies, and i was wondering if it is best to transfer now finishing my undergraduate course at somewhere like:</p>

<p>U. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
U. Michigan, Ann Arbor
U. Syracuse
New York U.</p>

<p>or to wait, get good marks where I am and then apply for a masters. I love it here, but the IR and econs courses are pretty badly put together. </p>

<p>So should I or shouldn't I? </p>


<p>And do i actually have chances for the above? And are there any others that my beloved fellow CC members could suggest?</p>

<p>My grades are:</p>

Arts W3.3
Econs W3.4</p>

<p>HS Grades (Weighted: probably around 3.25)
- Ancient History B (68%)
- Art B+ (72%)
- Applicable Mathematics A- (76%)
- Chemistry C+ (64%)
- Literature A- (78%)</p>

<p>Tertiary Entrance Exam Result: 90.05 (a standardized, statewide exam - 90.05 means that i was in the top 9.95% of the state)</p>

<p>I plan on doing the SAT in december - I've done three practice tests (the scores below reflect the average)
Reading 600
Writing 640
Math 600
Total: 1840</p>

<p>ACT: 32</p>

- Tennis honors from winning inter-school cup, continue to play at a high level (State Men's Division 1)
- Have won giant slalom ski races, also achieved level 2 instructor
- School prefect
- Mentor for younger students at school
- Was public speaking captain of my house
- Fluent in french (after 6 months living in France)
- Volunteer surf lifesaver for 3 years, including becoming an instructor for younger upcoming lifesavers</p>

<p>I also play a few instruments and dabble in the joys of writing and art.</p>

- Was a tennis coach for 4 years
- Ski instructor for the past two winters
- Worked as an intern for an MP in the British Parliament
- Worked as an intern for African Governance Initiative in London</p>

<p>Hook - I'm fluent in french?</p>

<p>Good rec's from jobs held.</p>

<p>Not applying for financial aid.</p>

<p>and thanks for your advice in advance :)</p>

<p>I know nothing about departments of International Relations and Economics at the University of Western Australia. If those departments, and that school,
are generally considered horrible places that might be one thing.</p>

<p>But, assuming that’s not the case, you say you love it there. It’s possible you could transfer someplace and not love it. Usually people transfer because they find that they do not like their current school. IMO.</p>

<p>sure. hey it’s not bad. i guess “i love it” is an overstatement. it’s easy to live here, all my friends from high school are here too. </p>

<p>but something is missing. there’s no college atmosphere and the academics aren’t well organized to suggest that they’re competitive world wide. i feel with what i want to get into - which is essentially economic policy making in the developing world (specific, right? haha) - the opportunities are incredibly limited. </p>

<p>do you know any similar universities? (eastish, big city or college town) i feel like i’ve looked over the same search sites over and over again!</p>

<p>Try Fiske guide to colleges, or, if on-line, maybe “college search” on main CC site.</p>