A filipino student having a hard time with english composition

I am a freshman. I am from the Philippines so it’s very hard to cope with a new environment here in america. Especially in writing essays. I have a hard time with my class, English 102 which is a composition class. I should have took the first one but when I took my placement test, that’s where I was placed. I am not used to writing essays back then when i was in the PH. I keep having all these corrections even when I revised them. I am trying my best, really. But it’s just not that enough. I am not that fluent in English. There is a free tutoring in my school but I want to start from the basics like what is an essay, what are the parts, how to construct a perfect essay, etc. It will take me a long time to learn. For me tutoring is not enough. I didn’t even turn in my paper because I really don’t understand the material that our instructor assigned us. It’s too advanced for me. So is it okay to withdraw from this class? In the meantime I will search some free online courses to improve my writing so in the next semester, I will be prepared to take this class. Am I doing the right decision? :frowning:

Placement tests aren’t perfect. If you feel overwhelmed in your current class, and there’s an easier one (English 101?) you could take next semester, that may be a good option.

Please talk to an adviser before you actually withdraw from your current class. There’s a few additional considerations.

  • Would you still be in full-time status after you withdraw from this class? That’s a requirement for your student visa.
  • Does withdrawing from this class impact your financial aid or scholarship eligibility?
  • Is this class a prerequisite for other classes you may want/need to take next semester?
  • How are you holding up in your other classes? Do you feel held back by your writing skills in other classes as well? If your writing skills are holding you back elsewhere too, you may need a different approach. (e.g. more intensive work on your writing skills right now or a reorganization of your academic plan)

Is there an English for Academic Purposes program on your campus? That would offer you more support for your learning.

You need to go to tutoring and tell them you need basics. To get better at English, you need to read and write, everyday.
Keep a journal and put your thoughts into it. Write every time you get a break. Read a newspaper everyday, read some poems and short stories. Read Reader’s Digest.

You’ll get better if you keep exposing yourself to literature.
You may want to take some intro to writing courses.