A Kid Without a Clue

<p>There is a kid in one of my classes that has a 3.6 college GPA at a ccc and a 3.7 HS GPA and no EC's at all.
He thinks he's going to get into Stanford! If you ask him he thinks hes 100% in and I dont know how to tell him he has no chance. Ive told him "wow, thats going to be hard" and he tells me strait up, "no, I'll get in."</p>

<p>I don't know what to do so he won't be so heartbroken when he gets rejected?</p>


<p>what if he gets in???</p>

<p>:/ he may get in. wats his ethnicity?</p>

<p>he's white,</p>

<p>it'll be good for him when he doesn't get in. it'll be a nice wake up call to reality.
so just be like, "aww you're so lucky! i wish i could get into stanford like you!"</p>

<p>I have a girl like that in one of my classes. the first day class she said she was going to be the next editor and chef of vouge, shes a nice girl and she might do it. but then she also said we was going to go to UC Berkeley (when she hasn't even applied yet) when I asked her her stats during a conversation, she said she had a 2.8. I hope she does it but somthing tells me it just not going to happen.</p>

<p>umm there are a lot of people who live in that fantasy type of world, who actually keep on going after their ambitions because they never see the need not to and then they do become editor in chief of vogue and etc etc etc.</p>

<p>You would be suprised how far being naive and dumb can get you .</p>

<p>is his last name stanford?</p>

<p>I don’t mean to be a downer on her dreams; I did write she might do it.</p>

You would be surprised how far being naive and dumb can get you


agree, look at our President.</p>

<p>Don't know what to do? Just start laughing.</p>

<p>some people in my class did chuckle when she said she was going to be editor of vogue.</p>

<p>Thats just really mean. If she has a few semesters before she transfers she can def. raise her GPA. It sucks that ppl crap on other ppl's dreams. You really dont know what any of these ppl are capable of. I will agree that there are ppl who are increddibly naive but hey it doesnt hurt to dream you have to start somewhere. The Editor of Vogue had the same dream....</p>

You would be suprised how far being naive and dumb can get you .


<p>Are you kidding? There can only be one editor-in-chief of Vogue, and around six-and-a-half billion non-editor-in-chiefs of Vogue. Something tells me it is slightly easier to be one of the latter. Heck, I am doing right now and I am not even trying!</p>

<p>I am not trying to be too critical; I should be more clear, though. We THINK that those who are naive and dumb can get surprisingly far BECAUSE those who are naive and dumb who DO get far are those who raise a lot of attention. Believe me, there are PLENTY of people who are naive and dumb and live in dumpsters. Something tells me that this fine young lady will be one of them. Intuition can be spooky at times.</p>

<p>I have a 3.7 HS GPA and a 4.0 College GPA. 31 in the ACT, a few Recs and EC's, I should get into Stanford no problem then... lol</p>

<p>nspeds. What?</p>

<p>maybe she will not be the editor in chief of vogue, but she might end up being rather well off.</p>

<p>I had a friend like that before, this girl was as stupid as can be, she didnt pass the CHSPE , so her mom bought her a high school diploma online by taking the test for her. Then the girl went to CC and did one of those dental hygenist programs... all through the help of her mom who new the teachers... and worked at the CC... anyways, point being this girl now has a very well paid position in a dental office for being as dumb as a box of rocks. She called me once and asked me how to boil a potatoe..........</p>