A little help with the wording please..Thanks!

<p>With determination, genuine interests, a full commitment, and also rich, extensive, and productive previous research experiences,...</p>

<p>Is the "rich, extensive, and productive previous research experiences" part appropriate in wording? I am not confident with it. All suggestions are welcome! Thank you!</p>

<li><p>A list with commas in any of the items should be semicolon-separated, not comma-separated.</p></li>
<li><p>Especially considering that’s only a partial sentence, that’s pretty wordy. You need a good reason to start a sentence with a four-item list, and an <em>extremely</em> good reason to add three adjectives to the fourth item. This needs to be simplified.</p></li>

<p>Yes, I do think there are too many words and too few reasons. The reason is because of the word limit so I try to say many things in one sentence. It seems clearly that I need to reorganize the sentence. Thanks RedSeven!</p>

<p>I agree that you have too many adjectives. I think extensive research experience (no ‘s’) sounds better.</p>