<p>I'm almost finished writing my application essays, and I'm planning to give my teachers the recommendation forms. However, I'm applying to 7 schools...which means I have 7 forms per teacher to give. I'm attending a big school, so I imagine they must be busy. How'd you guys handle this?</p>
<p>Simply give each teacher the Common Recommendation Form and kindly ask them to make six copies and mail them out to each school or return them to you</p>
<p>is it frowned upon to send in a common rec form to a school that doesn’t take the official “common rec form”, but takes one with the exact same information?</p>
<p>i have the exact same problem, i am applying to 7-9 schools… (i REALLY want to get in)</p>
<p>Ya I would guess it would be frowned upon if they don’t accept the common app. I would check and see if they accept a general statement from the teacher, and then a fill in of the check box</p>
<p>Most of the schools we’re looking at accept the common application. One school accepts the common application, but its own form is somewhat different than the common app’s. I called and asked, and yes, they will accept a copy of the common application’s recommendation.</p>
<p>The schools aren’t looking to make your teachers’ lives difficult.</p>
<p>I just don’t like how for each persons common rec the color is different. For Andover its blue, I believe ST.Pauls even has there logo on there. I just wish it was nice and plain and EXACTLY the same paper for every school.</p>
<p>Use the recommendation forms here [TABS:</a> How to Apply](<a href=“http://www.schools.com/apply/forms.html]TABS:”>http://www.schools.com/apply/forms.html). When we did this a few years ago, these forms were the same for all the schools we had on the list. I think I contacted each one to verify that they accept it. They all did. Using this part of the common ap is not the same as using all of the common ap. It’s much more pc than making a copy of one school’s recommendation for another school. Your recommenders should be able to use one form, make copies, and mail using the SASE you provide.</p>
<p>i’m only applying for 3, so asked my teachers to fill them out seperately.
when I got SPS’ recs, they didn’t even give me envelopes… I was thinking if I was a special case, or did anyone else who applied to SPS get evelopes too? (I was thinking it might look a bit weird…)</p>
<p>sps gave me ONE envelope for the whole application and recs. then again im applying online, so this was kinda pointless. one envelope?? no rec envelopes? ):</p>