<p>As I read the threads lately, I realize that some of the info given on this forum is incorrect or possibly even lies. This is the problem with it being anonymous, anyone can say anything without any consequences to themselves. I am an adult and I have the wisdom to tell the difference from those who actually know what they are talking about and from those who don't. This forum has helped us substantially! But I do have some concern for the students on here, deciding between schools, that read this stuff, and may believe EVERYTHING they read.</p>
<p>So here is my advice.</p>
<li><p>Do your own research. Go to the school, and if that is not possible, try to speak to someone who does go to that school. If you have a question, call and ask the school. That way you know you are getting the CORRECT answer. They are usually very nice on the phone, even at the big prestigious schools. </p></li>
<li><p>Believe the positive people on this board more so than the negative people. A parent who is raving about a school has nothing to gain by doing so (unless they are secretly an employee of the school, and that is unlikely). But negative people can be angry, disgruntled and most likely jealous. I would not listen to students who write negative things on here in particular. HAPPY students are busy with class, rehearsals, friends, parties etc. UNHAPPY students are possibly alone in their rooms, on the computer... venting. That's why we tend to see more negative comments from students than positive.</p></li>
<li><p>As soon as someone writes "I know someone who....blah blah blah " Ignore it, and move on. I listen to first hand knowledge only.</p></li>
<li><p>The numbers given about how many audition are grossly exaggerated. I just read on another thread that someone said 2000+ auditioned at so and so school and accepted 30. This was a school not known for a top drama dept. I don't believe it. I heard right from the head of these drama departments, that Boston University auditions approx. 800, Purchase auditions approx. 800 and Michigan auditions approx. 350 (drama, not MT). Why in the world would thousands be auditioning at lesser known, less prestigious schools?</p></li>
<li><p>Just because someone else's son or daughter picked school x over school y has NOTHING to do with you. Maybe their son is shy, and you are not. Maybe their daughter wants science classes, and you do not. You have to find what is right for YOU.</p></li>
<p>That's my motherly advice. Good luck.</p>