A minor for journalism?

<p>Alright, so I have known since 7th grade that I wanted to me a journalist. I'm in college now, majoring in journalism, but I need to pick a minor. I have no idea what is best to compliment a journalism major. I've heard Political Science is probably the best, however, I have no interest in politics so thats really not for me. I was considering Anthropology but then I heard that it's not really all that great. I'm sort of interested in the fine arts(I did theater for 3 years), but I don't know if thats what I would want to focus on in my writing. What are other options? And what is your opinion on the best minor to compliment a journalism major?</p>

<p>Pick something you’re interested in. Who cares if you are a polisci minor if you don’t like politics? You’d probably be miserable on a government beat. Anthropology could give you a really good insight into cultures, human interaction, and stories as a means to communicate, which would, in my opinion, be an asset to a journalist.</p>

<p>Having a minor in something generally just shows employers that you had an interest in something. So as URichmond2010 said, pick something that you find interesting. Think about what you might be interested in covering a beat for.</p>

<p>If you’re still around, some ideas:</p>

<li>video production</li>
<li>computer science</li>
<li>graphic design</li>
<li>creative writing</li>

<p>Just because something might not be of exact interests to you doesn’t mean you might not need it someday on the job ;)</p>