<p>So the SAT scores are due up in 5 days. Is college board gonna be on top of its stuff? no. Since we all know that there will be complaining - why not start now? let's go guys, show college board how angsty high schoolers can be.</p>
<p>Will we even make a difference?</p>
<p><- skeptical :)</p>
<p>I rather enjoyed Johnathan Swift's (I think that's who it was) essay.</p>
<p>Who's John Swift?</p>
<p>A irish/english satirist most famous for his book, Gulliver's Travels</p>
<p>He wrote the essay A Modest Proposal in which he "suggested" that they breed and then eat their babies. He was mad about how the British were taking over Ireland (I think, my memory is waaay sketchy).</p>
<p>What do you want to complain about?</p>
<p>yay satire</p>
<p>That's the weirdest essay ever I must say.</p>
<p>The satire in itself was intriguing, but I didn't realize it was a satire until I finished reading it, thus leading to thinking that Jonathan Swift was insane.</p>
<p>Lol, that's hilarious. One guy in my class last year didn't realize it was a satire either. He came into the class completely freaked out!</p>
<p>I hate that essay. It's hard to find humor in his writing, especially in the context of his time.</p>
<p>i personally love the essay - what an original way of showing discontent. I think it hit the spot on how bad the times were back then - and how little the British government was concerned with the problem. </p>
<p>Ah - but this thread was not meant as a discussion of Swiftory (the history of swift - catchy, eh?). I'm just sorta saying that SAT will most likely not have the scores up on time - although i'd be very impressed if they do.</p>
<p>Guys the scores are up. go check college board.</p>
<p>Just kiddin. If u checked you are not on top of you game for the SAT's</p>
<p>the time is coming soon - everybody place your bets on whether the College Board will pull through...</p>
<p>yeah, modest proposal rocks. our english class let us do our own sort of modest proposal for like 40% of our quarter grade. I wrote about shipping black people back to africa. :]</p>