<p>Good evening! This is a bit of a cross-post from the general Admissions forum, but Yale is one of the top colleges I'm interested in. To cut to the chase, I'm a current junior who's very involved in ECs and academically passionate, with not bad testing, but a bit lacking in GPA and outside activities. This makes me a bit unsure of my actual chances in some schools; any input (and advice on what/how to improve!) would be wonderful.</p>
<p>-29 on ACT freshman year
-Taking ACT and SAT junior year at least once each, then again senior year
-Hoping to get at least a 32 on ACT</p>
<p>GPA Unweighted: 3.7</p>
<p>Classes (if everything goes according to plan):</p>
<p>-10 AP (tests) by time of graduation
-3 Honors Classes
-Most likely a 5 on the AP Spanish, French, and Chinese tests
-Nontraditional advancement in English, Spanish, and Math
-Took extra courses (course compacting, online, and over summer)
-Will take total of 8 classes at local university by graduation through Youth Options
-Tested into AP French from Independent study (no previous French)</p>
<p>Student Organizations (strongest area) 2009-2011:</p>
<p>Gay-Straight Alliance (Freshman member, Soph. and Junior Pres.)
Interfaith Club (Soph Pres.)
Political Debate Club (Soph. Member, Junior Co-Pres.)
Earth Society(Soph. member)
Mariachi Band (Junior member)
Yearbook (Freshman editor)
String Choir (Soph/Junior Member)
Book Club (Fresh., Soph., Junior Member)
Math League (Fresh. Member, one has to test in)
Chamber Orchestra (Junior Member)
French Club (Soph. Member, Junior Co-Pres.)
Spanish conversation club (Junior Member)
Principal's Student Advisory Council (Junior Member)
Creative Writing Club (Soph. Member, Junior VP)
Mock Trial (Junior Defense Attorney).</p>
<p>Outside (weakest area?):</p>
<p>-Involved with local PFLAG, attended national lobbying conference in D.C.
-Work with state-wide LGBT youth organization, presenting conferences at workshops, served as youth staff at activist camp
-Volunteer with local PAC
-Planning on heavy campaign volunteering (in 2012 presidential election)
-At least 100 volunteer hours by time of graduation</p>
<p>-Selected as area rep to conference for rural education in D.C.
-Work with a brand-new, education-focused, student-run nonprofit
-Develop resources with a group for transgender youth
-One of two state reps to national GSA conference
-Viola from 5th grade until graduation, selected for regional Youth Honors Orchestra sophomore year
-Davidson Institute Young Scholar</p>
<p>Etc (not sure about the relevancy of these):</p>
<p>Region: Midwest
Race: Caucasian/White
Class: Solid-middle class (though, entire family of 4 will probably be in college at time of application)</p>
<p>Thanks for your time!</p>