In Which I Submit a Most Courteous "Chances" Request to the Fine Gentle(wo)men of CC

<p>Good evening! Hope the title made my post stand out a bit, hahaha. To cut to the chase, I'm a current junior who's very involved in ECs and is academically passionate, but a bit lacking in GPA and outside activities. This makes me a bit unsure of my actual chances in some schools; any input (and advice on what/how to improve!) would be wonderful.</p>

<p>So, I would like some evaluation on my chances for:</p>

<p>-Yale (and Ivy Leagues in general)


<p>-29 on ACT freshman year
-Taking ACT and SAT junior year at least once each, then again senior year
-Hoping to get at least a 32 on ACT</p>

<p>GPA Unweighted: 3.7</p>

<p>Classes (if everything goes according to plan):</p>

<p>-10 AP (tests) by time of graduation
-3 Honors Classes
-Most likely a 5 on the AP Spanish, French, and Chinese tests
-Nontraditional advancement in English, Spanish, and Math
-Took extra courses (course compacting, online, and over summer)
-Will take total of 8 classes at local university by graduation through Youth Options
-Tested into AP French from Independent study (no previous French)</p>

<p>Student Organizations (strongest area) 2009-2011:</p>

<p>Gay-Straight Alliance (Freshman member, Soph. and Junior Pres.)
Interfaith Club (Soph Pres.)
Political Debate Club (Soph. Member, Junior Co-Pres.)
Earth Society(Soph. member)
Mariachi Band (Junior member)
Yearbook (Freshman editor)
String Choir (Soph/Junior Member)
Book Club (Fresh., Soph., Junior Member)
Math League (Fresh. Member, one has to test in)
Chamber Orchestra (Junior Member)
French Club (Soph. Member, Junior Co-Pres.)
Spanish conversation club (Junior Member)
Principal's Student Advisory Council (Junior Member)
Creative Writing Club (Soph. Member, Junior VP)
Mock Trial (Junior Defense Attorney).</p>

<p>Outside (weakest area?):</p>

<p>-Involved with local PFLAG, attended national lobbying conference in D.C.
-Work with state-wide LGBT youth organization, presenting conferences at workshops, served as youth staff at activist camp
-Volunteer with local PAC
-Planning on heavy campaign volunteering (in 2012 presidential election)
-At least 100 volunteer hours by time of graduation</p>


<p>-Selected as area rep to conference for rural education in D.C.
-Work with a brand-new, education-focused, student-run nonprofit
-Develop resources with a group for transgender youth
-One of two state reps to national GSA conference
-Viola from 5th grade until graduation, selected for regional Youth Honors Orchestra sophomore year
-Davidson Institute Young Scholar</p>

<p>Thanks for your time!</p>

<p>Lacking in GPA? I dunno, a 3.7 GPA actually is fine with me…I mean, B’s aren’t super horrible, as long as you tried your best and it wasn’t in one of those super duper easy classes like regular English (or at least, the regular English at my school).</p>

<p>You sound like a very hard working student. And a student who takes a lot of classes. I’ve always wanted to be that student…haha. I’d say a 29 ACT in freshman year is pretty impressive, so you might be able to get an even better score when you take it this year.</p>

<p>Your involvement at school is pretty good, and I think your ECs are fine. I guess it might be more helpful if the ECs actually displayed some kind of interest in your prospective major or career though.</p>

<p>And oooh, you play the viola. Personally, I think that’s interesting, but I may be biased because I play the viola myself. ( ^ ^ );;</p>

<p>I’d say you’re a pretty competitive student so far for all those schools, so keep up the good work! But no one can ever be completely sure, so…while I’d like to say you have a good chance of getting in, I’ve seen some people similar to you who have been accepted and some who have been rejected.</p>

<p>Thanks for the motivation! Yeah, I guess I just don’t always fit the typical “4.0 Super Influential Family Genius” mold, so that stereotype makes me a bit paranoid. Glad to know you think I have a shot. Viola power \m/ !</p>

<p>We would need to know where the 3.7 puts you rank wise to comment. You also will need to shoot higher than a 32 for these schools.</p>

<p>The 3.7 puts me at around 70th place out of over 400. And yes, I think I’ll definitely get over 32, that’s just my baseline. Thanks!</p>