A mysterious letter...

<p>...that I just received from the University of Chicago says that when Saturn and Neptune are aligned in Aries, the Dark One will overrun the Rhone Valley with pestilence and war.</p>

<p>Really, I got a letter from them congratulating me on being an Intel Science Talent Search semifinalist. I applied there, but I was a little suspicious upon getting the letter. Why would a college send letters to congratulate all the semifinalists who applied? Should I read anything into this, or is it a normal practice?</p>

<p>Uh oh. This is bad. Your in trouble. Theyre plotting something big, HIDE!!</p>

<p>I knew it. Are they coming with machine guns? Please no machine guns.</p>

<p>So Saturn (god of cultivation and Earth) and Neptune (god of water) are aligned with Aries (god of war, for some reason they use the Greek name here), and they’ll all bring war to a southern region in France. Maybe they’re predicting a natural disaster in France and they for some reason want to warn you.</p>

<p>That’s all I can think of!</p>

<p>uhhhhhhhh, no.</p>

<p>SaintSaens; they also misspelled Ares, indicating that they meant the constellation Aries, the Ram.</p>

<p>^No confusion at all. The planets Saturn and Neptune in the constellation Aries.</p>

<p>Unfortunately, Neptune isn’t readily visible without a telescope…</p>

<p>You are forgetting the most profound question of all, who is the Dark One?</p>

<p>i think that answer is obvious:
the dark one is voldemort :)</p>

<p>guys… really? 2012 as predicted.</p>

<p>^^shhhhh! He who shall not be named!</p>

<p>CC really attracts some winners.</p>

<p>^LOL 10char</p>



<p>You’re awesome, lol! :D</p>



<p>Everyone in higher ed knows about that, but we’d agreed not to tell the applicants… Yet. </p>

<p>In all seriousness though, even if they send a letter out to all semifinalists that applied, it’s still a small gesture of interest on the school’s part. It may just be a letter to show you they are interested in your application (do not read in to it as any sort of “sure thing”, but at least smile about it), or it may be to let you know that they know you’re a semi-finalist and it is a part of your file the admissions committee will see. If you have any questions about it, contact Chicago’s office of admissions (or, I believe they have a rep on this forum), but at least be pleased they’re acknowledging your achievement.</p>



<p>I don’t know whether that means you’re already accepted or not (which doesn’t really matter because I’m sure you’ll be accepted!) but I do know that someone on CC also got the same letter from Chicago for being an intel semifinalist. </p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-chicago/869476-likely-letter.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-chicago/869476-likely-letter.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>ah, I spend way too much time browsing this website.</p>