A post-application chances thread (Tufts, GWU, Middlebury, Vassar)

<p>I've applied to Tufts ED, GWU, Middlebury, and Vassar</p>

<p>Chance me?</p>

<p>SAT: 720 CR 680M 730W (1400/2130)
SATII: BioE 620 (9th gr); World History (10th gr) 690
HS GPA: 3.8 (the way my hs does it)
No ranking</p>

12th Grade - all college courses
Intro to Anthropology - A
First Year Seminar - B+
Calculus I - B
Church and State Legal Studies - B
Microeconomics - B
First semester GPA 3.28, and after an extra credit assignment, it will be a 3.32. Dean's List is 3.30, so I made that.
New courses second semester: Intro to Politics, Liberation Theology and Latin America, Advanced Beginning Spanish II, First Year Seminar II.</p>

<p>11th Grade
AP US 95 (3 on the test)
English Honors 92
Pre Calc 88
Physics 87
Choir 95
Advanced Computer Application P (it's pass/fail only, unfortunately)</p>

<p>10th Grade
AP World 94 (4 on test)
Spanish III 94
English Honors 95
Chem 85
Math B 83</p>

<p>9th Grade/8th Grade courses which were at 9th grade level/ hs credit. The courses with H in this category would be ranked +10 pts for gpa/ranking purposes at my first high school where I took these classes right before moving, and the transcript that was sent from this first high school states that much.</p>

<p>Spanish I (8th grade) -90
Spanish II - 91
Earth Sci (8th grade) -89
Biology H - 88
English 9H - 86
Global 9H -87
Math I (8th grade) 80
Design and drawing I - 80 ; II - 77</p>

<p>Extracurricular Activities</p>

<pre><code>Freshman Year of College (2007-2008)
Treasurer, Model United Nations, 2007-2008
Representative, Community Council, 2007-2008
Co-coordinator, Simon’s Rock Power Shift Delegation, 2007

<p>Eleventh Grade (2006-2007)
School Newspaper (The Owl), Editor-in-Chief
Rotary Interact, President and Volunteer (11 Hours)
Students against Destructive Decisions, President
School Play (Hello, Dolly!), Actor
Junior States of America, Member
Amnesty International, Press Staff<br>
National Honor Society, Member</p>

<pre><code>Tenth Grade (2005-2006)
School Newspaper (The Owl), Staff Writer and Layout/Copy Editor
Rotary Interact, Co-Vice President and Volunteer (6 Hours)
Students against Destructive Decisions, Vice President
School Play (Fiddler on the Roof), Actor

<p>Junior States of America, Member
Amnesty International, Member </p>

<pre><code>Ninth Grade (2004-2005)
School Newspaper (The Arlingtonian), Staff Writer and Assistant News Editor
Charity Club ("Operation Donation"), Member
Black History Month Performance (The Legend of Charles Johnson), Actor

<p>Awards/Honor Organizations
Bard College at Simon's Rock Acceleration to Excellence Program scholarship recipient (2007)
Bard College at Simon's Rock W.E.B. Du Bois scholarship recipient, (2007)
Rotary Student of the Month – November 2006 (Grade 11)
Rotary Youth Leadership Awards Conference (Grade 10 / Summer 2006)
National Honor Society (Grade 10)
National Society of High School Scholars (Grade 10)
Who's Who among American High School Students (Grade 10)</p>

<p>Volunteer/Work Experience<br>
Intern/Volunteer, Bill Richardson for President, Inc., NH (11/07 – 1/08; ~40 hrs)
Columbia Memorial Hospital (10/05 – 9/06; 100 hrs)
Mid Hudson Children’s Museum (6/04 – 10/04; 30 hrs)</p>

<p>bumpity bump...</p>

<p>bump 10</p>

<p>Wrong forum. Go to the What Are My Chances forum (go to Discussion Home, one of the links on the left, and scroll down until you see all the different forums) and post there.</p>

<p>Tufts ED: 60/40
Middlebury: 40/60
Vassar: 40/60</p>

<p>Thanks, NewEngSocSciMan. Anybody else?</p>

<p>Bump? 10</p>