A Question About Virginia Tech Tours

I was recently about to schedule a tour for August 16th and noticed that all the dates, excluding July 13th, were unavailable. I was wondering if there was anyway to be able to still attend a tour. I’ve heard from others on CC that you could simply just go on a tour (self-guided), but I wanted to see if I could go on a student-led tour. I know I probably wouldn’t be able to go to the information session, but I hope I could at least attend a tour. Does VT allow you to just “waltz in” on a student-led tour?

When I first toured the university in Fall 2012, people were able to join the student-led tour at the last minute. I assume there are always last minute cancellations allowing for last minute additions as well. However, I would be more concerned that ALL of the dates seem to be unavailable. Maybe there is something going on which precludes Tech holding its regularly scheduled tours? August 16th is VERY close to the beginning of the Fall term, so that might also disrupt regular tour times. I think the thing to do is call the Visitors’ Center and get an authoritative answer to your question. :slight_smile:

When I took my son for a tour last fall, we attended the info session, which we had to have pre-registered for. When that was over, they told us we would be meeting at Burruss Hall for the campus tour in about 30 minutes. Everyone had to individually drive or walk to Burruss Hall. There was a group of about 50 of us waiting at Burruss Hall, and the tour guides split us up into groups, so I think if you knew what time the campus tour was meeting at Burruss Hall you’d be okay to just join in.

Thank you for the advice. @HokieMomma17 @mamma1st Unfortunately, the reason why all those dates are unavailable is that after August 10th, they will start preparing for all of the students moving back in. I had called VT to check about this. I assume that August 11th is earliest students, like the Corp of Cadets, can arrive.

It doesn’t look like I’m going to be able to go on a student-led tour this year, however I can still go on self-guided tour anytime after August 5th, when my summer school class ends, and before August 29th, when my school year starts. My parents said the decision is completely up to me of whether or not I should go on August 16th for a self-guided tour or wait another year for a student-led tour. I am a rising junior now and they said that we would HAVE to go next year if I decided to go next year. What do you guys think? The tour itself was going to be the highlight of my summer, but at this point, I’d be fine waiting a year.

Virginia Tech has two Open Houses scheduled this Fall - one is Oct 8 and the other Nov 5. I attended a previous open house and it was very well done with lots of staff for tours, student displays, etc. The link for registration is https://secure.hosting.vt.edu/www.admiss.vt.edu/visit/register/index.php/openhouse. If you are interested, I would register early. Also, you should make your hotel reservation now.

@GrandandMom I actually talked with my parents about it earlier today as an alternative to my situation, but they both said that it would be best to not attend as I should be using my weekends during the school year for homework, my clubs, and my sports activities. But thank you anyway!