A rose by any other name isn't NYU (chance me; Ill chance you! (right away!))

<p>My top school choice is NYU; Stern (first) or general studies. Also looking at:
BU, Columbia, Brown, U of W, UCLA
Amherst (UMass) </p>

<p>SAT I: Math: 780 CR: 710 Writing: 800
SATII: Math IIC: 710
Am planning on taking SAT II history/lit, expecting mid-700s on both</p>

<p>Freshmen year:
English H-A, Algebra II H-A, Physics H-B+, Gym-B, World History-H-A, Chorus-A-, French A-A+
Sophmore Year:
English H-A, Geometry-H-A, Bio-H-B+, U.S. History-H-A, Music Tech-H-A+, Gym-B+, French AII-A-
Junior Year (current)
English AP-B, Pre-Calc (H for 1/2 year, B-, now level A, A+), Chemistry-H-B+, Journalism-H-A, US History II H-A, Economics (1/2 year) H-A, Law (1/2 year) H-A</p>

<p>My school only offers 5 APs, and you can only start junior year.
Next year planning on taking AP Psych, Euro history, Stat, US History</p>

President of Journalism Club
President/founder of Hope for Haiti (have personally fundraised $7k+)
Lead Editor/Layout editor/writer-School paper
Consistant publishing on online town-wide news site
Youth Group-3 years, 100+ hours
3 times Relay for Life participant/organizer
Teacher's assistant daily, 100+ hours
Select Chorus (4 years, middle school)
Recipient of National Economic Summit Middle-Income Country Champion/Geography Champion
Ruth-Berrien Fox Poetry Award
40+ hours fundraising for New Orleans (including participating in/organizing concerts, town-wide fundraising)
6 years dance
6 years piano
9 years soccer (not varsity, just general league, was on select for a few years in Middle school)
Gold/silver Presidential Award</p>

Sex: Female
Origin: Russian (can speak) Born in Isreal, grew up in Moscow..also French and Mongolian decent
Unitarian Universalist

<p>Stern and BU - in
UCLA - match
WUSTL - high match
Columbia, Brown - reaches (Reach for everyone)</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/866492-jhu-vs-wustl-ed-chance-will-chance-back-asap-appreciate.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/866492-jhu-vs-wustl-ed-chance-will-chance-back-asap-appreciate.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>NYU, BU, and UCLA sounds like matches. Your stats are very good, but Columbia and Brown are reaches for everyone haha…good luck!</p>

<p>Great essays will complete your good app :)</p>

<p>Chance back?
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/865994-chance-hodgepodge-applicant.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/865994-chance-hodgepodge-applicant.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Yay- you’re totally in NYU, BU, UCLA</p>

<p>Columbia, Brown- you never know, but you’re competitive.
WashU- (is that what you meant by U of W?)- Match</p>

<p>I think he means University of Washington?
WashU is Washington University…typically when ppl put U+letter it’s “University of ____” as in “UCLA” which is “University of California LA”
btw, I think you are a match at all those places except UCLA (and WashU or WUSTL). I say this because I’m a CA resident and I know from stories that UCLA has a very large number of applications and UCs do tend to lean very heavily towards in-staters. WashU is also difficult, it’s currently the 6th most selective university (also my dream school). But you’re looking into University of Washington I would assume? </p>

<p>Please chance me for WUSTL:</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/867114-chances-number-one-school-wustl-please.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/867114-chances-number-one-school-wustl-please.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Oh, wow, thanks everyone…that’s really reassuring. The only big worry as of now is the fact that my school doesn’t calculate GPA, and they’ve been going through level changes, so i dont know how that’s going to effect my transcript.</p>

<p>And yup, University of Washington is what I meant, sorry about that.</p>

<p>BuMp BuMp BuMp</p>

<p>yeah! you’ll do great at NYU. I think you have a very very good chance. they’ll like you :)</p>

<p>you might have a better chance than me at Columbia, haha. but your ECs are a little bit scattered and unfocused, so I don’t know.</p>

<p>[chance</a> me back?](<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/866589-chances-columbia-again.html]chance”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/866589-chances-columbia-again.html)</p>