<p>Wellllll I'm just trying to get an early feel for what is going on here, it's only my junior year yet, but I still would like to know where I stand.</p>
<p>White Male
GPA: 4.0 uw, 4.whatever w
Class Rank: 1/270
School: Crappy public in a small town, few even go to college
Courseload: Most rigorous available, will have taken or be taking every AP my school offers by the time I apply, may self-study for the two AP Gov. tests to take at the end of this year.
SAT I: 2090 (680CR, 700M, 710W) This was my first take, should go up significantly. Will also take ACT 3 times.
SAT II: Projected that I will at least get all to 700 (a conservatively low estimate) on US History, Math IIC, and Chem most likely.
Projected AP scores: mix of 3s, 4s, and 5s in Chem, APUSH, Lit. and Comp, Comparative Gov, and US Gov and Politics, + will be enrolled in Calc AB (BC if my school decides to offer it), Bio, and Lang. and Comp. senior year
Intended Major: Political Science/Government and/or Economics</p>
<p>Honors: AAA Travel Challenge state finalist
IMEA District choir (as a junior and senior)
POSSIBLE All-State Choir senior year
Made WYSE (world youth in science and engineering) team (an honor because very few make the team)this year
~3 hours a week, 4 weeks
will be NHS member
NM Commended (slim chance at semi-finalist)</p>
<p>ECs/Work: Scholastic Bowl: Captain soph. and senior year.
~10 hours a week, 20 weeks a year
Intramural Basketball:
~4 hours a week, 8 weeks a year
Tennis: JV (non-recruitable)
~12 hours a week, 16 weeks
Work at Papa Murphy's pizza
~10 hours a week, all year
Musicals: a few minor roles and chorus
~8 hours a week, 10 weeks
Band and Chorus (in schools classes)
~2 hours a week, all week for outside class requirements (percussion ensemble)
Madrigals/Chamber Singers (fresh and soph):
~6 hours a week, 16 weeks
Jazz Band:
~2 hours a week, 20 weeks
Pep band:
~3 hours a week, 10 weeks
Concert Choir:
~3 hours a week, 20 weeks
Math Team
~5 hours a week, 10 weeks
HS Republicans (we put on a debate)
~3 hours a week, 6 weeks</p>
<p>Summer: ACE Quiz Bowl Camp (only a week)
ELCA Church Youth Gathering (a week)
Reading a LOT
~25 hours a week, all summer
Work at Papa Murphy's
~17 hours a week, all summer
Might work on gubernatorial campaign this summer</p>
<p>Volunteering: NHS requires 2 hours a month I think
4-H member (community service and learning projects)
-4-H federation (teen leadership group within 4-H)
-4-H Ambassadors (promotes 4-H)
~altogether probably 6 hours a week, 16 weeks
Church Youth Group: (community service and bible studying type things)
~including church-going, 5 hours a week, all year</p>
<p>Recs: should be pretty good, one or two could be really good
Essays: should be relatively good</p>
<p>The schools that are definitely on the list (maybes are in parentheses):
Rice (will apply Interim Decision)
Case Western
(George Washington)</p>
<p>Here are the possible scenarios for EA/ED, depending on how my SAT scores come up and my SAT II scores, and if I can actually be led to believe I have any chance at all at Harvard or Princeton:
SCEA Harvard, ID Rice
ED Princeton, ID Rice
ED Dartmouth, EA Chicago, ID Rice (it is legal under Dart's ED policy)
EA Chicago, ID Rice</p>
<p>Chances Please! And also ANY advice at all, for where to apply or whatever, is helpful.</p>
<p>PS sorry for the loooooonnnnnnnnggggggggg post!</p>