<p>Hey guys! I am trying to find a school on the east coast( preferably NY,PA,NJ,CONN.) with a Pre-Dental Program that is joint with another Medical University, which has "low standards" to get into the program it self!</p>
<p>My SAT scores aren't that high as well as my ACT Score:</p>
Composite: 21</p>
<p>Any help or suggestions on what colleges offer this!</p>
<p>I will be taking the SAT again in December!
Best Regards!</p>
<p>Bump! Please anyone??</p>
<p>Please! 126 views and not one comment. I really need help!</p>
<p>Almost EVERY school has the courses for pre-dental. </p>
<p>However, there aren’t any that have “low standards” that allow guaranteed admissions (thank goodness!!!)</p>
<p>Your biggest problem is that it appears that you’re not a strong student which suggests that you won’t do well in the pre-dental pre-reqs that are required for admission.</p>
<p>Do you understand that the pre-reqs are VERY difficult and are the “weeder” courses?</p>
<p>Dental~Try to improve your scores
How are your HS grades? Your EC? What grade are you in?</p>
<p>Remain positive about your chances.Yes it is selective and hard work, but only you know how badly you want this and how hard you are willing to work
Good Luck :)</p>