a short questions about the AD status.

<p>On 3/26, my status page went from nothing to show my applying infomation, it showed my apply program , college...which have never showed before, I am applying as a trensfer, did anyone knows what does this mean? I ask someone, and he told me that this means professors is going to look at my doc. and applications. is that true? thanks</p>

<p>Indeed, you are likely to get in any time soon.</p>

<p>Feelit, when did you get your application in? I am also waiting to hear a decision. They received all my stuff by January 4th, and this is not the case with my status page.</p>

<p>hey, what is your status right now? I would be really interested in your situation. I submit my appcations around FEB.</p>

<p>Just to make sure you are checking your status through <a href=“http://www.guest.banner.vt.edu%5B/url%5D”>http://www.guest.banner.vt.edu</a> right? That is what I have been doing and I want to make sure I have been looking in the right place. There hasn’t really been any change on the page until today. It has always showed that I have everything in that needs to be and today at the top it now says </p>

<p>“Your Transfer Credit Evaluation may be complete.
Check here for specific details.”</p>

<p>When I click it just says there was no transfer evaluation completed yet.</p>

<p>i guess both of us are too anxious. yes, i check the same address.</p>

<p>what is the transfer crited about? I did not see it appeared on my status page!</p>

<p>I’m assuming its supposed to tell you if all of your credits will transfer, but like I said it doesn’t say that mine has been done yet.</p>