<p>I'm a reform Jewish girl, and pretty liberal at that. Will I have trouble fitting in at Georgetown? Each time I discuss the college with alumni, we seem to come to the Jesuit Ideals talk. Will I feel out of place? :(</p>
<p>I’m a Jewish girl who would like an answer to that myself; when I picked up a copy of the GT newspaper when I visited, I saw a rant by an unhappy GT Jewish student which made me worry a little bit. :</p>
<p>Take a look at this article-- [Georgetown</a> University: Keeping the Faith](<a href=“http://explore.georgetown.edu/news/?ID=36488]Georgetown”>http://explore.georgetown.edu/news/?ID=36488)</p>
<p>It may help you feel more confident with respect to Georgetown. It is an article about the Rabbi who has worked there for 40 years.</p>
<p>I used to have (nearly) the same concern as you. The strong Jesuit foundation doesn’t mean overbearing religion. It doesn’t even really mean anything specifically religious. The Jesuits pride themselves in service to the community and critical thinking. I think that their philosophy is perhaps the most accepting of any faith. The most you should ever get from the Jesuits is encouragement to challenge your faith, but that will be the same for people of all religions. I can’t speak for the student body, however.</p>
<p>Georgetown has a Jewish student population of about 15% and an active Jewish Student Association/Hillel, as well as a Jewish fraternity and sorority. If you look into Jesuit ideals, you’ll find that they are particularly pluralistic in their views of other religions. The Jesuit/Catholic identity of the school is most clear in its social justice initiatives, which I think might appeal to you (check out the Center for Social Justice: csj.georgetown.edu)</p>
<p>I think I know the rant in the Hoya you’re talking about, and was surprised myself. As a Jewish student, I’ve missed class and turned in assignments late because of the high holidays and Passover…I’ve never had a problem like the one described in the Hoya. </p>
<p>The student body is diverse, service-oriented and left-leaning. Your background is not unique among the Georgetown student body and I do not think you will feel the least bit uncomfortable as a Hoya. :-)</p>