A Struggling first semester

<p>It's my Senior Year and I took AP Calculus. Taking AP Calculus was a real struggle for me. It had that domino effect. Struggling in one class caused to me to struggle in other classes as well.</p>

<p>My main goal was to be accepted to UC Irvine or UC Davis (preferably UC Davis). But this semester I did really poorly. I probably have a 2.83 but I think I'm able to pull up by a little bit, probably up to a 3.2 at least by the end the semester. My GPAs usually range from 3.83 - 4.0. I'm quite disappointed in myself this semester.</p>

<p>However, next semester, I'm going to try a lot harder, hoping to get my GPA back up to what it usually is. </p>

<p>My question is, what if I do get accepted to UC Davis? or Irvine? Would they take back my acceptance because of a horrible first semester? Or would they still accept me seeing that I greatly improved the second semester, recognizing my determination and improvement?</p>

<p>Please reply =] Thank you</p>