<p>Ok, so i recently received a notification from uci stating that they have let me in....however, on the provisional conditions it states that i have to maintain a gpa of at least 3.0, (have a 3.4, i believe, so it's all good) and to not get any "d's" or "f's"....</p>
<p>As you probably have guessed from the title of this message.... i screwed up in my AP Calculus class (it was a lot more difficult then i anticipated as there was a different teacher this year, and the hw and tests were insane....) and got a d+, unfortunately....and i have been freaking out about what i should do....</p>
<p>is notifying them earlier about my grade better or worse than if i were to wait a bit longer. I only just received my letter...</p>
<p>and what would be a valid reason for me to put into the explanation box about the "d"?</p>
<p>Please someone advise me as to what to do in this situation. I have maintained a's and b's in pretty much every other class, and it's not like i took the "typical senior classes" (study hall, t.a., etc)</p>
<p>I'm taking ap calculus, ap language, ap microeconmics/ap government (it switches semesters), marriage class (go to a private school), art II, anatomy physiology, and psychology</p>
<p>and i was playing varsity basketball at the time also, and am asb vice pres. I just was so tired and unfocused during class that i slipped up :(</p>
<p>I'm very freaked out about this...please someone advice?</p>
<p>Do not wait! It would be better if you told them sooner then later. A friend of mine had a C-/D range for AP physics but she managed to pull it back into C range. I think she notified UCLA when it happened but she is currently attending. I think if you tell them now and raise your grade to a C (when the year ends) then you should be fine!</p>
<p>my friend got a D in calc as well after she was accepted to irvine. She just had to send them something saying she had a D, and they let her in.
I think if you don’t notify them, that’s when you get rejected.</p>
<p>what would be a good “excuse” to them?
should i be say that my courseload and extra-curriculars were exhausting…but then they might think "wow if he can’t handle hs, how does he expect to handle college?
advice please ?</p>
<p>i just sent them the email, but i realized just right now that i didn’t include my name, will they be able to locate my student id from the email that i sent?
i sent it through their “low grade/low gpa” option in the message center.</p>