<p>So I just got my Eli account yesterday, went to check on my stuff, and found out that one of my teacher recs was missing. Every other school got both of them, and Yale doesn't list the recs by name, so I don't know which teacher needs to send it in again. I called the admissions office yesterday at 5:05, only to find out that it had just closed. Today I called, well before 5, only to get an automated message AGAIN.</p>
<p>I know they're busy but GOD.....is there any way to contact the admissions office?</p>
<p>People that have been doing so get told not to harass (not verbatim of course) the admissions office.
There are a lot of apps in, so there are obviously a lot of accounting issues.
Do you have the return receipt from the post office?</p>
<p>One of my recs was missing, which was weird because they were both submitted well in advance through the Common App. I contacted my regional admissions officer and she told me to tell her if it was still missing in a week. One week later, it still was, so I told her and she checked which one was already in. She seemed very courteous about it…I don’t think asking one little thing counts as “harassment.” Just be sure to wait for about a week before asking.</p>
<p>That’s why I qualified my use of harass. So that no one would quote me as saying checking up on their app was actually harassment.</p>
<p>If you REALLLLLLY want to be sure, you could just have the teachers resend the recommendations; the worst that would happen is the a duplicate would just be tossed out.</p>
<p>I don’t think the Yale adcoms are so unbalanced that they would reject you because you were taking a precaution. (maybe include a little note about why you’re resending)</p>
<p>Hmm one of my Princeton recs didn’t go through, and a little over a week and a half ago they sent me an e-mail that just asked me to resend it. I asked the teacher to do so and it was processed promptly. Anyone know if Yale does something similar?</p>
<p>About how long should it take for a faxed letter to be processed and show up on my Eli account? I had to have a teacher rec faxed to both Yale and Princeton today.</p>