AAJA JCamp 2023

When is the cohort decision day? Anyone heard back from AAJA?

i didn’t get anything, but ik people who have alr gotten their decisions back (acceptance)

ohhh…so those who didn’t hear back have likely not got in :unamused:

Can someone who got in also share when they got their acceptance letter and do they have a deadline to accept?

i was emailed a few hours ago! but i heard people heard back earlier than me today so who knows they could still be sending out acceptances

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i was emailed around 5pm est, but i didn’t get the chance to see the email until the next morning because i was asleep​:sob::sob: (vacation abroad so time zones lol). for this round of acceptances, the deadline to secure your spot is april 18th so presumably more acceptances will gradually come out after that! good luck :)))

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Congratulations and thank you for sharing the date! So there is still a glimmer of hope :crossed_fingers:t3:

of course! wishing you all the best

Anyone know how many waves AAJA accepts in?

I guess it depends on how many students end up registering after their acceptance. Since it is a free and a prestigious program, lot of students will tend to register but a few might drop off! So AAJA will then send additional acceptances … this is my guess!

i’m not sure how many spots there are, but here is an excerpt from their twitter about acceptance roll out:

“Stay tuned to your inboxes! News is coming. We had >450 applications — the highest number in JCamp’s 20+ year history. Selection was tough.“

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Did anyone get their rejection email?

No :sob:

Any new acceptances received? Have they sent the second wave of acceptances?

Idk… but I am assuming we will know tomorrow. AAJA said we would know by the end of this week.